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Monday, February 28, 2011

Jane Russell, film siren who sizzled on-screen in 'The Outlaw,' dies at 89

Jane Russell, who became one of Hollywood's most celebrated sex symbols through a blend of her own physical endowments and the reported struggles with censorship of her skillfully promoted first movie, died Feb. 28 at her home in Santa Maria, Calif. She was 89.

Her son, Buck Waterfield, said she died of respiratory failure. Her family watched the Academy Award ceremonies on television with her the night before, Waterfield said.

A legend for voluptuousness almost from the time filming began on "The Outlaw," the Howard Hughes production that marked her movie debut, Ms. Russell made many other well-remembered movies, had a productive singing career and remained active in the entertainment world to the end of her life.

In the 1940s, at a time when Hollywood operated under a strict production code, Hughes was credited with sparing nothing to a make a sensation of his movie and Ms. Russell's role in it. "The Outlaw" took its title from its subject, the notorious Western gunman Billy the Kid.

But the name seemed also to suggest forbidden sexuality, and in particular, to refer to Hughes himself. He became known for his defiant efforts to break the restraints of the motion picture production code in his display of Ms. Russell's dimensions, reportedly 38D-24-36.

Read More:Jane Russell, film siren who sizzled on-screen in 'The Outlaw,' dies at 89


What Will Happen With Jerry Lawler Tonight?, More : VIDEO

In part 3 of this weeks the Chair Shot Reality....

Will Jerry Lawler be able to shock everyone and take the title from The Miz....

Who will walk away as number one contender for the WWE Championship....

All that plus....an in-depth look at the Daniel Bryan vs The Miz match on RAW!

Follow Justin LaBar and Josh Isenberg on Twitter plus you can banter with thousands of other wrestling fans around the world on wrestling topics and the show at the Chair Shot Reality Facebook page!

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Y2J & Jim Ross Praise WrestleMania + News On McCool's Injury

Chris Jericho posted the following on Twitter, regarding WrestleMania… "Taker-HHH? Miz-Cena-Rock? Edge-Del Rio? HBK in the HOF? That's what I call MANIA!!! I'll be watching..."

-- Jim Ross commented on last night's RAW, writing on Twitter: "Really enjoyed Raw. HHH & Taker sold PPVs w/ their eyes & their earned legacies. Cole was a mega nerd. Sic em King. WM27 feeling special."

-- Michelle McCool indicated on Twitter that she has to wear a walking boot for 'awhile'. She reportedly suffered a broken toe. She also commented on working with Trish Stratus at Elimination Chamber, writing: "I can gladly say I took a whoopin' from @trishstratuscom...doesn't happen often, BUT at least it came from the best. LayCool shall prevail."

Read More:Y2J & Jim Ross Praise WrestleMania + News On McCool's Injury


Twitter war continues: The Rock insults John Cena and Cenation with online photo

The Rock is truly in a war of words (nothing physical yet) with WWE superstar John Cena. Even though Cena and WWE Champion the Miz are locked to face off in a main event Championship match at Wrestlemania on April 3rd, the trash talking between The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) and Cena has been getting more attention and creating buzz.

Wrestling fans around the world want to see what the two mega-stars will say about each other tonight on WWE RAW. It appears the Rock will respond on RAW tonight to Cena's battle rap rampage from last week's RAW.

Both men were twetting up a storm this weekend, here is what they are teasing for tonight.

Read More:Twitter war continues: The Rock insults John Cena and Cenation with online photo


HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York

If you have a little Wrestlemania fever, I found this trivia question in the back of the new Wrestlemania magazine WWE just put out. What do the following superstars have in common pertaining to Wrestlemania: Roddy Piper, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ted DiBiase Sr., King Kong Bundy, and Paul Orndorff. I figured out the answer in about 2 minutes. But it gets you thinking.

- Your hosts are Josh Matthews and Jerry Lawler.

- Matthews welcomes us to a sold out Raw in Buffalo and Triple H kicks off the show. It is official, Triple H will face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. On the graphic for their Wrestlemania match dubs the Undertaker, "the Last Outlaw". What is the over/under on The Chaperone mentions tonight? I'll set it at 3. Triple H runs down his resume with the WWE. He says that over 16 years he has seen them all come and go; except one: The Undertaker. Triple H says there are 2 outlaws left. He says that Taker's streak is what keeps him going every year at Wrestlemania. Triple H says he is the only true challenge left and ending the streak is the only true challenge left for Triple H. Triple H says at Wrestlemania when he ends the streak, the Undertaker will die. If Triple H doesn't end the streak, he will die trying. His music hits and suddenly, out walks Sheamus. Triple H kicks him in the dick as Sheamus comes into the ring. Triple H throws him over the top rope to the floor. He throws him into the barricade and beats on sheamus around the ring. He lays him on the announce table and takes the monitors out. Triple H Pedigrees Sheamus through the table...as it starts to break before they drop. Kurt Angle rubs his head at home.

- Tonight on Raw: Shawn Michaels speaks out on the Wrestlemania match between Taker and HHH. Michael Cole will answer Jerry Lawler's challenge. Plus, The Rock will answer John Cena!

- Back on Raw and we see Triple H burying Sheamus some more from before the break. Back live and referees are helping Sheamus up from the carnage. ***GENERAL MANAGER E-MAIL***Lawler makes fun of Michael Cole and says he won't do it his way. Even though Sheamus was attacked, it's not the GM's problem. He will still have to compete against...

Read More:HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York


To Buffalo : Finally, The Rock Sorta Comes Back…

World Wrestling Entertainment, much better known as the WWE, brought its top rated television show live to the HSBC Arena, Monday Night Raw. If you’re still reading past the first sentence, odds are you were either at the arena for the show, watched it unfold live on television or are incredibly bored. But just in case you happened to forget about it, here’s a brief recap of the biggest thing to hit Buffalo since Meatloaf took the town by storm just days ago.

Triple-H (HHH) came out to start the show and hype his Wrestlemania matchup with the Undertaker. He said his sole purpose left in wrestling is to end the Undertaker’s perfect 18-0 Wrestlemania streak and indicated at the end of his microphone time that if he loses, his career we’ll be over.

Shaemus came out, presumably to remind HHH that he put him on the “shelf” for the past 10+ months. HHH kicked him where I’m sure it’s illegal, before proceeding to pound his head in on the outside of the ring and ultimately, pedigree him through the announce table (and no, there was no Spanish announce table).

Moments later, Evan Bourne returned from injury, also suffered at the hands of Shamus, and beat him within two minutes since Shamus was already hurt at the hands of the “Cerebral Assassin.”

Newly minted heel announcer Michael Cole came to the ring and accepted Jerry Lawler’s Wrestlemania challenge to a match, but not before Cole added two stipulations to the match: he gets to select his own trainer and also the referee. Out came Jack Swagger, who will teach him the ankle lock and also the art of talking with a severe lisp. Standing behind the All-American, American, American (is that enough American’s?), Cole slapped the taste from Lawler’s mouth. The King tried to get after Cole but was rolled up from behind by Swagger and put in his excruciatingly painful ankle lock.

Ironically enough, Lawler was seen walking around just fine backstage moments later.

After a commercial, Randy Orton comes to the ring and says he regrets not punting C.M. Punk in the head harder two years ago. I’m betting Orton isn’t the only one who’d like to punt Punk in the head again… Shawne Merriman, anyone?

Anyway, Punk along with his three members of the “New Nexus” hit the ramp and just before they get ready to rough him up four-on-one style, the annoying cell phone sound goes off; and a message from the “anonymous Raw General Manager” is read. He says…. and I quote— that Punk and Orton will face off at Wrestlemania and in the weeks leading up to the match, Orton will face each of the three other members in single matches. The hitch is if Orton wins each will be banned from interfering but if he loses, they’ll be allowed at ringside. Personally, I think Orton gets shafted on the deal as he has to go 3-0 over the next three Raw time fillers to make his Punk encounter a one on one, but I digress.

Read More:To Buffalo : Finally, The Rock Sorta Comes Back…


Dancing With the Stars' 2011: Season 12 Cast Announced

The 'Dancing With the Stars' 2011 spring cast, announced Monday night during 'The Bachelor,' includes a talk show host, model, football star, '80s acting faves and Disney Channel starlet. So, all in all, it was a typical line-up for the popular ABC reality show.

The rumors we reported earlier came true: 'Cheers' star Kirstie Alley and former Hugh Hefner girlfriend Kendra Wilkinson were both on the official roster. And while Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell didn't end up joining 'DWTS' (and neither did Joy Behar, despite our wish list), pro wrestler Chris Jericho and talk show host Wendy Williams will be among the celebrities shaking their hips.

Two of the bigger names on the cast are actors who broke out in the '80s -- Kirstie Alley and Ralph Macchio. Can the 'Cheers' star and the 'Karate Kid' have a shot at following in the foosteps of Jennifer Grey, who starred in the classic 'Dirty Dancing'?

Read More:Dancing With the Stars' 2011: Season 12 Cast Announced


RoboRealter vs. the Human Touch

Since the first time a Visigoth handed over the keys to his castle, the formula for success in real estate has been simple: he who has the most information wins. Then came the internet.

The tech revolution has dinged real estate industry more profoundly than years of litigation has altered R.J. Reynolds. Add to that two years of a catastrophically down market and what do you get? Some realtors are grasping at straws – or disappearing completely from the scene – while others are finding creative ways to make themselves more valuable than a website.

Inman News, where “real estate and technology connect,” holds an annual conference that attempts to address the changes head-on. Their solution is to meet technology with more technology. Two years ago, I sat through 90 minutes of a guy trying to teach a room full of realtors how social networking could change their lives. His message was as simple – “get a Facebook page” – as it was incomplete.

The problem, as I saw it, was that while Inman was forging forward, tech-wise, they were sticking to the old paradigm: he with the most information wins.

Read More:RoboRealter vs. the Human Touch


Insight into History - A Weekly Instrospective Into The Past

Long before the beginning of the period known as the Middle Ages a tribe of barbarians called the Goths lived north of the River Danube in the country which is now known as Roumania. It was then a part of the great Roman Empire, which at that time had two capitals, Constantinople—the new city of Constantine—and Rome. The Goths had come from the shores of the Baltic Sea and settled on this Roman territory, and the Romans had not driven them back.

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Va’lens some of the Goths joined a conspiracy against him. Valens punished them for this by crossing the Danube and laying waste their country. At last the Goths had to beg for mercy. The Gothic chief was afraid to set foot on Roman soil, so he and Valens met on their boats in the middle of the Danube and made a treaty of peace.

For a long time the Goths were at war with another tribe of barbarians called Huns. Sometimes the Huns defeated the Goths and drove them to their camps in the mountains. Sometimes the Goths came down to the plains again and defeated the Huns.

Read More:Insight into History - A Weekly Instrospective Into The Past


♬Let me tell you ’bout my best friend…

This entry was posted on February 28, 2011 at 8:37 am and is filed under politics, visceral gazpaucho, dissidence, cranky anarchy . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Who is R.I.P. Jane Russell?

The statuesque actress/singer has died of respiratory failure. She was 89. Discovered by Howard Hughes for his 1940s film Outlaw, Russell graduated from WWII pinup to become an accomplished comedienne in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, the Howard Hawkes film that paired her with upstart Marilyn Monroe.

Read More:Who is R.I.P. Jane Russell?


All About Howard Bryant ESPN Writer

UPDATE: ESPN.com reported on Monday that Howard Bryant pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Add Howard Bryant to the list of ESPN personalities to make headlines outside the sports world.

The ESPN baseball writer was arrested Saturday afternoon for assaulting his estranged wife and striking a police officer, according to Jeanette DeForge of The Republican.

The 42-year-old has reportedly been charged with "domestic assault and battery, assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest."

Five witnesses gave statements saying they saw a man arguing with a woman, police said. They said he choked her and pushed her into a car, Tudryn said.

Bryant, an author of three books, was released on $5,000 bail later that day.

Neither Bryant nor ESPN has commented on the situation.

Announcer Ron Franklin was fired from ESPN in January after he made sexist remarks to reporter Jeannine Edwards before the Chick Fil-A Bowl. He sued ESPN for wrongful termination two weeks later.
Story continues below

In December of last year, ESPNews anchor Will Selva was suspended for plagiarizing an entire passage from a newspaper column.

Read More:All About Howard Bryant ESPN Writer


Howard Bryant Arrested: ESPN Writer Charged With Domestic Assault

UPDATE: ESPN.com reported on Monday that Howard Bryant pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Add Howard Bryant to the list of ESPN personalities to make headlines outside the sports world.

The ESPN baseball writer was arrested Saturday afternoon for assaulting his estranged wife and striking a police officer, according to Jeanette DeForge of The Republican.

The 42-year-old has reportedly been charged with "domestic assault and battery, assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest."

Five witnesses gave statements saying they saw a man arguing with a woman, police said. They said he choked her and pushed her into a car, Tudryn said.

Bryant, an author of three books, was released on $5,000 bail later that day.

Neither Bryant nor ESPN has commented on the situation.

Announcer Ron Franklin was fired from ESPN in January after he made sexist remarks to reporter Jeannine Edwards before the Chick Fil-A Bowl. He sued ESPN for wrongful termination two weeks later.
Story continues below

In December of last year, ESPNews anchor Will Selva was suspended for plagiarizing an entire passage from a newspaper column.

Read More:Howard Bryant Arrested: ESPN Writer Charged With Domestic Assault, Resisting Arrest


Charlie Sheen Today Show Video: Is Charlie Sheen on Drugs Again?

Charlie Sheen was on the Today Show this morning, giving a no-holding-back interview.

Charlie Sheen was blunt and convinced that he is winning, that CBS and Chuck Lorre are going to regret not working with him any more.

But, as you watch the Charlie Sheen Today Show video, it’s hard to believe that he is clean like he claims.

Charlie Sheen sees it as “winning” that one day his kids will know about all he has done- even his rampage and downward spiral.

Read More:Charlie Sheen Today Show Video: Is Charlie Sheen on Drugs Again?


Charlie Sheen 'Today' show interview: I've got tiger blood, Adonis DNA, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not special

Charlie Sheen says he's a warlock with tiger blood and Adonis DNA who deserves to be making $3 million an episode for "Two and a Half Men." He says CBS, which shut down production on the show for the remainder of the season after last week's rants, owes him "a big one, publicly, while licking my feet." He says he cured his own addiction problems by closing his eyes and making it so. "I'm tired of pretending I'm not special," he tells NBC's Jeff Rossen. "You can't process me with a normal brain."

Perhaps the best moment of the must-see interview, filmed Sunday at the Beverly Hills home Sheen now shares with his two "goddesses" (a porn star and a model), came when Rossen asked Sheen whether he was now sober. "Look at me," says the haggard, ranting Sheen. "Duh!"

Sheen (who also gave an interview to ABC that will air tomorrow) says that CBS is waging a war against him. "They're trying to destroy my family, so I take great umbrage with that. And defeat is not an option. They picked a fight with a warlock." When asked exactly how CBS was trying to destroy Sheen's family, he said: "They're trying to take all my money and leave me with no means to support my family. Sheen admits he has been making "roughly" $2 million an episode this year and says he's got a number of great movie offers on the table.

Read More:Charlie Sheen 'Today' show interview: I've got tiger blood, Adonis DNA, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not special


Charlie Sheen interviewed on NBC’s ‘Today Show’

Digital News Report- Charlie Sheen is on a public relations campaign that is not of the typical kind. Sheen was on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ this morning to defend himself from all the scandals that have been brewing in his personal life.

They interviewed him inside his home. Charlie Sheen is living with two girlfriends.

When asked if he was sober, Sheen said that “Drug tests don’t lie.” He said he closed his eyes and made it so to deal with his addiction to drugs. He did his sobering up in his own home and they labeled his home their own crisis management called, “Sober Valley Lodge” and wouldn’t let Alcoholics Anonymous get involved because they would contaminate it.

He said that he wants to rededicate himself to being a dad to his boys. He doesn’t regret his behavior and feels that the boys can learn from his past behaviors.

Sheen said that he is at war with CBS now. He said that they are trying to take all his money. He is planning on winning the war with zeal and violent hatred. Sheen said that CBS didn’t have the right to shut down the show. He said that he showed up and performed without problems. He did say that he didn’t show up for practice, but I guess that wasn’t a big deal. Sheen makes almost $2 million per episode.

Sheen said that he doesn’t owe CBS any apology, but instead they owe him an apologize and they should lick his feet.

Tomorrow, the NBC ‘Today Show’ will continue the interview were Sheen calls his girlfriends “goddesses.”

Read More:Charlie Sheen interviewed on NBC’s ‘Today Show


Dr.Seuss Birthday :This Wednesday is the birthday of the great Dr. Seuss

This Wednesday is the birthday of the great Dr. Seuss, and Seussville is gearing up for the red-letter day. The legendary children’s author would turn 107 if he were still around. And he would likely celebrate the occasion by composing a silly rhyme filled with the perfect blend of real words and made-up ones.

But it’s more than just his wacky rhymes that made Dr. Seuss the icon that he is. It’s also the appeal those rhymes have had upon generations and generations of young readers. There has never been anyone more influential for literary little ones than the great doctor. And there likely never will be. But why?

I think it boils down to three things.

* Everyone loves to rhyme. It’s true. And not only that, but everyone also thinks they can rhyme. But few attempt to do so with concision and meter in mind, two things that made Dr. Seuss’ rhymes nothing short of brilliant. He never wasted a word — his tales continue to develop and as you narrate those developments to your kids, the words practically read themselves. There’s never any stumbling or altering of the cadence, nor is there any manipulation of the words to make them flow or rhyme better. There’s no need to thanks to the good doctor.
* Simplicity: Did you know that The Cat in the Hat has but 50 words in it? Think about that for a second. Fifty words make up that classic tale. No wonder it’s been devoured by young audiences for decades and decades. Not only is it a fun rhyme, but it’s a simple one which contains very few words — words that every young reader can easily master.
* Imagination: It’s hard to believe that something as basic and as simple as poems composed easy-to-understand words can be so elaborate when it comes to imagination. But that’s exactly what Dr. Seuss delivers in his epic tales. Like Horton Hears a Who. The title character, an elephant, is splashing in a pool in the jungle of Nool when he hears a speck of dust that turns out to be a tiny planet where Who-ville is located? That’s about as imaginative as it gets.

As Dr. Seuss’ birthday approaches, many will celebrate in different ways. Me? I wrote a poem to my wife about her pregnancy in the format Green Eggs and Ham as a way of paying homage to Dr. Seuss. Only instead of Sam-I-am, the vexing character is Dad-I-be who pesters my poor wife, not about green eggs and ham, but about her pregnancy.

Read More: Dr.Seuss Birthday :This Wednesday is the birthday of the great Dr. Seuss


Charlie Sheen talking to the 'Today' show too

NBC will see your prime-time Charlie Sheen special, ABC, and raise you a morning-show interview.

Sheen, who has been talking and talking and talking about his beef with CBS and his bosses at "Two and a Half Men," will do more of that on Monday's (Feb. 28) "Today" show. He chatted with Jeff Rossen of NBC News; it's scheduled to air in the first hour of Monday's show.

ABC previously had claimed the first Sheen interview since "Men"-gate went down last week; it will air excerpts from Sheen's talk with Andrea Canning on Monday's "Good Morning America" and a "20/20" special at 10 p.m. ET Tuesday. NBC has now jumped to the front of the line and can totally call "First!"

We're assuming that CBS' "Early Show" is probably not in the running for a Sheen exclusive at this point.

Read MOre:Charlie Sheen talking to the 'Today' show too


Charlie Sheen special, ABC, and raise you a morning-show interview

NBC will see your prime-time Charlie Sheen special, ABC, and raise you a morning-show interview.

Sheen, who has been talking and talking and talking about his beef with CBS and his bosses at "Two and a Half Men," will do more of that on Monday's (Feb. 28) "Today" show. He chatted with Jeff Rossen of NBC News; it's scheduled to air in the first hour of Monday's show.

ABC previously had claimed the first Sheen interview since "Men"-gate went down last week; it will air excerpts from Sheen's talk with Andrea Canning on Monday's "Good Morning America" and a "20/20" special at 10 p.m. ET Tuesday. NBC has now jumped to the front of the line and can totally call "First!"

We're assuming that CBS' "Early Show" is probably not in the running for a Sheen exclusive at this point.

Read MOre:Charlie Sheen special, ABC, and raise you a morning-show interview


GTBP Scorecard and Oscar Results

If you missed the Oscars telecast, you didn't miss much. I hate to say that, because I'm a big fan of the annual event—I treat it pretty much the same way I do Super Bowl Sunday: we have friends over, make tons of appetizers, have plenty of drinks, and play games while watching so we can have some winners of our own. But this year, the show just didn't do much for me. I thought that James Franco and Anne Hathaway brought pretty much nothing to the table, and were just really "safe" and uninteresting hosts. When Billy Crystal came out to tell an amusing story, I honestly thought for a second that the show's producers had realized that things weren't working and had decided to go to the bullpen for a tried-and-true host to handle the show's home stretch.

Despite my overall poor impression of this year's broadcast, there were some things to like. I thought the homages to Academy Awards ceremonies of the past were great, but wished we'd gotten more of them. And I really enjoyed the continuing gimmick of having the previous year's Best Actor and Actress winners—Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock in this case—deliver heartfelt messages to the current year's nominees while presenting those awards. As for acceptance speeches, I thought Aaron Sorkin's was the best—although he probably benefited from being preceded by the truly awkward Kirk Douglas appearance. Other than these few highlights, though, I thought the show was pretty ho-hum. We'd love to hear our readers' opinions of the show (especially if you disagree with me!), so please share them with us below.

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Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor wins Oscar

Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor and co-composer Atticus Ross took home the Academy Award for Best Original Score for their work on the David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin film The Social Network.
The Oscar will make a nicely matched book end with the Golden Globe for Best Original Score – Motion Picture Reznor and Ross snagged last month.

Despite Reznor’s chart success as the leader of Nine Inch Nails, The Social Network soundtrack only peaked at No. 20 on the Billboard 200 album chart.

He’ll score Fincher’s upcoming English-language version of The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo.

Read More:Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor wins Oscar


Ed Koch Predicts the Oscar Winners

If justice is served in Hollywood tonight, the people and films I predict in the video below are the ones who will take home Oscars.

Do you agree with my choices? Leave your comments and let me know. Also, for my thoughts on the selection of Anne Hathaway and James Franco as hosts for this evening's telecast, watch my commentary here.

You can also check out my reviews of some of the films I call out in the above video, including: True Grit, Blue Valentine, Black Swan, The Fighter, The King's Speech and The Social Network.

And don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Read More:Ed Koch Predicts the Oscar Winners


Guess the lessons from Dr. Logue really did pay off : Oscar 2011

No stutter here. Just modesty and humor. Guess the lessons from Dr. Logue really did pay off.

Colin Firth delivered a funny, humble acceptance speech for his Oscar win for Best Actor for his role as King George VI In "The King's Speech," crediting his cast, producers and wife for his good fortune. He also kinda sorta implied that he might puke on stage.

"I'm afraid I have to warn you that I'm experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves," he joked. "Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get offstage."

There was also mention of his performance in "Mama Mia," a true highlight.

Read More:Guess the lessons from Dr. Logue really did pay off : Oscar 2011


Jacobs Students Earn Perfect ACT Scores : Whiz Kids

Whiz Kids' Names: Brad Searle and Erik Hansen

Whiz Kids' Grade: 12th

Whiz Kids' School: Harry D. Jacobs High School, 2601 Bunker Hill Dr., Algonquin.

Whiz Kids' Accomplishment: Searle, 18, of Algonquin, and Hansen, 18, of Carpentersville both earned a perfect 36 composite score on the 2010 ACT test.

The ACT is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions for English, mathematics, reading and science. The overall average composite score in 2010 for District 300 was 20.4; for Jacobs High School 21.6; and 20.7 statewide in Illinois, according to ACT test results.

Whiz Kids' Key To Awesomeness:

Brad Searle: "Hard work, and my parents really getting on me to study."

Searle also credited taking the ACT-36 preparatory course at Jacobs, reading three ACT study books and completing the practice tests with helping him prepare for the exam.

Erik Hansen: "The diversity in classes and extracurricular activities I took. I participated in music, sports and clubs, and having that diverse background really helped me on the exam."

Hansen added that taking advanced placement courses in English and physics "really helped" him as well.

Searle and Hansen are members of the National Honors Society and the Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Club, WYSE, at Jacobs.

Searle is president of the Information and Technology Club at Jacobs and plans to study computer science in college. He has not selected a university, yet.

Hansen was a member of the school's varsity football, wrestling and LaCrosse teams and sang with the Jacobs' Goldenaires choir. Hansen is leaving on a two-year church mission trip upon graduating from high school. He plans to attend college when he returns.

Read MOre:Jacobs Students Earn Perfect ACT Scores : Whiz Kids


Collective Bargaining: Do SAT Scores Prove States Need It?

Does collective bargaining make for better or worse test scores?

With Republican-controlled legislatures and state houses from Wisconsin to Oklahoma attempting to strip state workers of collective bargaining rights, figures on the combined SAT and ACT college entrance test scores in states without them are proving fodder for the ongoing debate.

As republished in The Economist, a chart purporting to show that combined SAT and ACT scores in the five U.S. states without collective bargaining rights are among the worst in the country quickly became a viral hit on Twitter and Facebook. Indeed, this reporter first saw the information via Andrew Sullivan's blog, which linked to The Economist, a highly trusted source of information. The specific data showed the following combined SAT/ACT rankings for the states without collective bargaining rights for teachers:

* South Carolina -- 50th
* North Carolina -- 49th
* Georgia -- 48th
* Texas -- 47th
* Virginia -- 44th

Wisconsin ranked second, according to the source cited by the Economist.

Though the Economist did note that drawing the conclusion that students did better as a direct result of the inclusion of collective bargaining rights for their teachers was tenuous, it suggested that arguing that doing away with those rights would lift student performance was rather absurd.

"... this doesn't show that collective bargaining makes school systems better. But it makes it pretty hard to argue the converse," the Economist wrote.

The problem with the stats? As PolitiFact discovered, the data came from 1999, not 2010. Moreover, a variety of factors account for test score results.

Read More:Collective Bargaining: Do SAT Scores Prove States Need It?


Oscar Winners 2011: British Invasion ‘The King’s Speech’

The big news on Oscar winners 2011 is that The King’s Speech swept the Oscars last night in most of the major awards. The 2011 Oscars will be remembered as a British invasion! The King’s Speech won the following major honors for the 2011 Oscars:

* Best Picture: The King’s Speech
* Best Actor: Colin Firth, The King’s Speech
* Best Original Screenplay: David Seidler, The King’s Speech
* Best Director: Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech

Natalie Portman won for Best Actress for her performance in Black Swan. Christian Bale and Melissa Leo each took home Best Supporting honors for their work in The Fighter. The Social Network received editing, music and adapted screenplay nods.

Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech was funny, self-deprecating and very British:

“I have a feeling my career has just peaked. My deepest thanks to the Academy. I’m afraid I have to warn you that I’m experiencing stirrings. Somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves. Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get off stage.”

The beloved British actor continued:

“So I’m going to do my best to be brief with my gratitude first for being on this extraordinary list of fellow nominees. Something quite formidable and possibly the greatest honor of this. All the crew and my fellow cast members, those who are not here, and those who are, Geoffrey, Helena, and Guy, whose virtuosity made it very very difficult for me to be as bad as I was planning to be. And David Seidler whose own struggles have given so many people the benefit of his very beautiful voice and Tom Hooper for the immense courage and clear sightedness with which he interpreted that. The men who finessed this to the screen, Gareth, Emile, Iain, Xavier, and of course, Harvey, who first took me on 20 years ago when I was a mere child sensation.”

And all the people who have been rooting for me back home. Also Jessica Kolstad, my friend, Paul Lyon-Maris, and Chris Andrews for bearing with me through some of the less fortunate moments as well as the good ones and my very fortunate friendship with Tom Ford who to whom I owe a very big piece of this.”
“And to the Anglo-Italian-American-Canadian axis, which makes up my family and Livia for putting up with my fleeting delusions of royalty and who I hold responsible for this and for really everything that’s good that’s happened since I met her. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I have some impulses I have to tend to backstage. Thank you very much.”

Read More:Oscar Winners 2011: British Invasion ‘The King’s Speech’


Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech (Video) : Oscar Winners

As far as Oscar winners go, Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech was one of the best. Watch Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech in this video clip – he’s dashing, funny, and quick to share his thanks.

Oscar winners complete list – find out who was an Oscar winner!

In Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech for Best Actor for his role in The King’s Speech, he says, “I have a feeling my career’s just peaked.”

Oscar winner Colin Firth then describes his feeling to dance in this Oscar acceptance speech: “I’m afraid I have to warn you that I’m experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves.”

Firth added, “Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get off stage.”

He thought it best to be brief with his thanks… how cute was Colin Firth’s acceptance speech?

Read More: Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech (Video) : Oscar Winners


(Video) Watch Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech

Watch Colin Firth’s acceptance speech (video), where Firth talks about the inspiration to dance following his win for Best Actor in The King’s Speech.

Colin Firth says during his Oscar acceptance speech: “I’m afraid I have to warn you that I’m experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves,” adding, “Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get off stage.”

Aw, I could do with a little joyous Firth dancing!

Read More: (Video) Watch Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech


Need To Know: Preparing Your Student for the ACTs

After months of preparation and plenty of nail-biting, local high school students will have Scantron sheets on the brain as they sit down this week to take the Michigan Merit Exam (MME), the ACT and the WorkKeys job skills and assessment test.

“In general, Birmingham High School students want to go to top colleges,” said Rebecca Goldberg, a seventh-grade teacher at Berkshire Middle School and founder of Michigan Test Prep, an ACT preparatory course. “And the kids all know the score they need to be considered for admission to those schools.”

To get those top scores, Michigan students will be sitting down to three days of testing Tuesday through Thursday, during which they will take the three tests, all administered by the Michigan Department of Education.

While the MME and WorkKeys tests are used to assess college readiness, the ACT is a college preparation exam, the scores of which will be sent to colleges and universities across the country and will be used to help determine which students are admitted to college.

With the ACT, students have more than one chance to earn a higher score. Students may begin retaking the test April 9, when it’s offered nationally. And for students looking to boost their scores, there’s no shortage of local training centers.
Reaching for the top

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, composite ACT scores required by the eight Ivy League schools — Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania and Yale — ranged from 29 to 34 in 2008. A perfect score on the ACT, achieved by less than one-tenth of 1 percent of test-takers, is a 36.

Scores required by Michigan schools vary. For the middle 50th percentile of students accepted in 2010 — that is, students with scores in middle half, or from the 25th through the 75th percentiles — the average ACT scores for entering these schools were:

* University of Michigan: 28-32.

Read More:Need To Know: Preparing Your Student for the ACTs


Astroturfed Union Talking Points On Collective Bargaining And ACT Scores

On my Facebook page, a well-meaning connection dropped this little nugget into his comment stream.

Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Their ranking on ACT/SAT scores:

South Carolina - 50th
North Carolina - 49th
Georgia - 48th
Texas - 47th
Virginia - 44th

Wisconsin is currently ranked 2nd. Welcome to the race to the bottom.

It's an interesting piece, because it's all over the internet in a Google Search. There is no citation for the piece, and the comments are left mostly byanonymous users at hundreds of newssites and comment sections covering the union strike in Wisconsin.

This is astroturf at its finest. A low-paid intern or first year employee cutting and pasting a talking point into comment sections as they register, too lazy to change it up, and too rushed to bother creating real profiles to post from.

The tipoff for me was the use of educators. The use of the word "educators" instead of teachers is a code word meant to make you think of the word educate, which is so much sexier than teaching.

The problem is the "statistic," no matter where it came from, is bunk. Focusing on the students who took the ACT/SAT doesn't cover the whole educational picture. It covers those most likely to graduate across a state (knowing full well that school districts within a state, and even a city, vary wildly). It doesn't touch on dropout rates at all.

Let's look at those dropout rates by county, instead of by state, and see what we get. Here is a list from 2006 in USA TODAY.

Read More:Astroturfed Union Talking Points On Collective Bargaining And ACT Scores


Gates: Pay top teachers more to accept larger classes

In Monday’s Washington Post, Bill Gates talks about the need to better recognize and reward good teachers. (Yes, this is another call for performance-based pay.)

But Gates also addresses the national emphasis on class size reduction, an education reform that he maintains is misguided. “U.S. schools have almost twice as many teachers per student as they did in 1960, yet achievement is roughly the same,” writes Gates.

He suggests paying the top 25 percent of teachers more money to accept four or five additional students into their classes. Those larger class sizes could free up money to raise the quality of other teachers, he says. (I am still not sure there would be agreement on who the top 25 percent of teachers were.)

Among his points:

We know that of all the variables under a school’s control, the single most decisive factor in student achievement is excellent teaching. It is astonishing what great teachers can do for their students.

Yet compared with the countries that outperform us in education, we do very little to measure, develop and reward excellent teaching. We have been expecting teachers to be effective without giving them feedback and training.

To flip the curve, we have to identify great teachers, find out what makes them so effective and transfer those skills to others so more students can enjoy top teachers and high achievement.

To this end, our foundation is working with nearly 3,000 teachers in seven urban school districts to develop fair and reliable measures of teacher effectiveness that are tied to gains in student achievement. Research teams are analyzing videos of more than 13,000 lessons – focusing on classes that showed big student gains so it can be understood how the teachers did it. At the same time, teachers are watching their own videos to see what they need to do to improve their practice.

Our goal is a new approach to development and evaluation that teachers endorse and that helps all teachers improve.

The value of measuring effectiveness is clear when you compare teachers to members of other professions – farmers, engineers, computer programmers, even athletes. These professionals are more advanced than their predecessors – because they have clear indicators of excellence, their success depends on performance and they eagerly learn from the best.

The same advances haven’t been made in teaching because we haven’t built a system to measure and promote excellence. Instead, we have poured money into proxies, things we hoped would have an impact on student achievement. The United States spends $50 billion a year on automatic salary increases based on teacher seniority. It’s reasonable to suppose that teachers who have served longer are more effective, but the evidence says that’s not true. After the first few years, seniority seems to have no effect on student achievement.

Another standard feature of school budgets is a bump in pay for advanced degrees. Such raises have almost no impact on achievement, but every year they cost $15 billion that would help students more if spent in other ways.

Perhaps the most expensive assumption embedded in school budgets – and one of the most unchallenged – is the view that reducing class size is the best way to improve student achievement. This belief has driven school budget increases for more than 50 years. U.S. schools have almost twice as many teachers per student as they did in 1960, yet achievement is roughly the same.

What should policymakers do? One approach is to get more students in front of top teachers by identifying the top 25 percent of teachers and asking them to take on four or five more students. Part of the savings could then be used to give the top teachers a raise. (In a 2008 survey funded by the Gates Foundation, 83 percent of teachers said they would be happy to teach more students for more pay.) The rest of the savings could go toward improving teacher support and evaluation systems, to help more teachers become great.

Read More:Gates: Pay top teachers more to accept larger classes


FULL LIST 83rd Annual Academy Awards – 2011 Oscar Winners

The Oscar winners were no big surprise this year – no upsets or upstarts to take away the coveted gold statue.

The King’s Speech took the top prizes as expected winning Best Picture, Tom Hooper won for Best Director and Colin Firth nabbed Best Actor.

Natalie Portman landed Oscar glory with her performance in Black Swan for Best Actress.

What do you think? Anyone robbed of an Academy Award?

The complete list is below and tell us what you think.


The King’s Speech


Colin Firth, The King’s Speech


Natalie Portman, Black Swan


Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech


“We Belong Together,” Toy Story 3, Randy Newman


The Social Network, Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter


Inception, Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb


Inside Job, Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs


God of Love, Luke Matheny


Strangers No More, Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon


Alice in Wonderland, Colleen Atwood


The Wolfman, Rick Baker and Dave Elsey


Inception, Richard King


Inception, Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, and Ed Novick


The Social Network, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross


Christian Bale, The Fighter


In a Better World (Denmark)


The King’s Speech, Screenplay by David Seidler


The Social Network, Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin


Toy Story 3


The Lost Thing, Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann


Melissa Leo, The Fighter


Inception, Wally Pfister


Alice in Wonderland, Robert Stromberg, Karen O’Hara

Read More:

dennis hopper, lynn redgrave, lena horne, jill clayburgh, leslie nielsen

Read More:FULL LIST 83rd Annual Academy Awards – 2011 Oscar Winners


What's the Reason of jill clayburgh death?

At that moment, the greatest tension in the Academy Awards, we know the names mentioned.

This assembly of the death of Oscar: The fate of the winners has been tapped.

But the recently departed star gets the most applause? And whose position of honor - in the end?

Tony Curtis?

Jill Clayburgh?

Dennis Hopper?

Since officially began in 1993, the "In Memoriam" segment has become one of the most popular sections of the annual awards broadcast - and perhaps the most controversial. This year, the segment will be longer than ever, says the academy director Bruce Davis, clocking in around five minutes. The standard installation is running three minutes.

Read More:What's the Reason of jill clayburgh death?


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who Will Win Best Picture? : Oscars 2011 Poll

With just hours to go before the Oscars launch, it's time to tackle the big question: who's going home with the Best Picture award?

In a field of ten nominees, it's seemingly once again down to two familiar competitors. Just as "The Hurt Locker" and "Avatar" raced neck-and-neck throughout the 2009 Academy Awards, tonight's show appears to be a similar throwdown between the popular favorite and the critical darling: "The Social Network" versus "The King's Speech."

But is the race really down to two? What of the other eight contenders? We've got some analysis after the jump, and make sure to cast YOUR vote for the Best Picture winner in our poll!

In just about any other year, virtually all of the 83rd Academy Awards' nominees for Best Picture would have the award on lockdown.

"Inception" was a blockbuster masterpiece that deftly married big budget effects with a thought-provoking story, while "True Grit" brought the Western back into the limelight with a blazing fury. "127 Hours," from "Slumdog Millionaire" Oscar favorite Danny Boyle, is an equally powerful tale of what a man will do to survive when all hope seems lost. "The Kids Are All Right" and "The Fighter" both feature fantastic performances and easily relatable tales about family turmoil, camouflaged in the form of a dysfunctional lesbian couple and a past-their-prime boxing clan. "Black Swan" might be Darren Aronofsky's crowning achievement to date, and it certainly is for Natalie Portman, but Portman's Oscar is likely as far as this one's going to go. Similar story for "Winter's Bone" — the lesser-known indie drama's real victory is the slew of Oscar nominations it received, not the statues. And "Toy Story 3," arguably the best of the series, is going to walk away with Best Animated Feature; that's its prize.

Despite all of their worthiness, the eight aforementioned contenders are not going to walk away with the Best Picture award this year. It's down to "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech," the two films that have dominated awards season through and through. Momentum seems to be on "The King's Speech" side, and it's certainly tailor-made for Oscar gold on the surface: a British drama about royalty and strife, armed with brilliant actors like Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush and beautiful direction from Tom Hooper. How can this story of overcoming personal adversity possibly lose?

"The Social Network" is what stands in the way. This is a movie that is very much of our time, exploring the making and dangers of the social networking community's most powerful tool. Facebook brings so many of us together, but it tore its founders apart. It's a shockingly devastating tale thanks to hard work from David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin and the entire cast. It's won several top prizes at awards shows, though the recent resurgence of "King's Speech" has seemingly derailed Fincher's Oscar hopeful. But don't be surprised if "The Social Network" has proudly accepted the academy's friend request by the end of Oscar night.

Read More:Who Will Win Best Picture? : Oscars 2011 Poll


"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation

"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation, the monarchy drama leading as expected with four Oscars and predictable favorites claiming acting honors.

Colin Firth as stammering British ruler George VI in "The King's Speech" earned the best-actor prize, while Natalie Portman won best actress as a delusional ballerina in "Black Swan."

The boxing drama "The Fighter" claimed both supporting-acting honors, for Christian Bale as a boxer-turned-drug-abuser and Melissa Leo as a boxing clan's domineering matriarch.

"The King's Speech" also won the directing prize for Tom Hooper and the original-screenplay Oscar for David Seidler, a boyhood stutterer himself.

"I have a feeling my career's just peaked," Firth said. "I'm afraid I have to warn you that I'm experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves."

Among those Portman beat was Annette Bening for "The Kids Are All Right." Bening now has lost all four times she's been nominated.

"Thank you so much. This is insane, and I truly, sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow nominees. I'm so in awe of you," Portman said.

Network censors bleeped Leo for dropping the F-word during her speech. Backstage, she jokingly conceded it was "probably a very inappropriate place to use that particular word."

"Those words, I apologize to anyone that they offend. There is a great deal of the English language that is in my vernacular," Leo said.

Read More:"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation


Best Picture Winner Oscars 2011:'The King's Speech'

King George VI triumphed and made his speech, and now, the film made the biggest speech of the night: "The King's Speech" was crowned Best Picture at the 2011 Oscars.

The World War II-set drama about friendship, trust and overcoming the odds beat out nine other films, including Golden Globe winner "The Social Network". It's the first time the Academy has awarded a film about British Royalty the top slot.

Colin Firth, who won for Best Actor, starred as King George VI, a stuttering King of England who must overcome his speech impediment to deliver a speech and inspire a downtrodden country as Nazi bombs rain down. Geoffrey Rush played his quirky speech therapist, Lionel Logue, while Helena Bonham Carter plays a young Queen Mum.

Read More:Best Picture Winner Oscars 2011:'The King's Speech'


(VIDEO) The PS22 Chorus and All the Oscar Winners Close out 'The Academy Awards'

Viewers who hung around through the Best Picture speeches for 'The Kings Speech' at 'The 83rd Annual Academy Awards' (Sun., 8:30PM on ABC) were surprised with a special treat to wrap the broadcast. In years past, things tend to wrap quickly after that final speech. Sometimes, the show has ended along with the speech.

This year, though, there was a special musical number by the PS22 Chorus, an internationally popular 5th and 6th grade chorus out of the Public School 22 in Graniteville, Staten Island in New York. Since 2006, the chorus has been gaining more and more noteriety thanks to director Gregg Breinberg's promotion of them online.

Now, they've gotten a chance to perform on one of the world's largest stages as they closed the Oscars with a performance of "Over the Rainbow." They were joined in the final moments by the night's winners, many singing along with the Judy Garland classic. It was a touching and special moment certainly for the kids, but it was a nice wrap to Hollywood's Biggest Night for the winners and audience as well.

Read More:(VIDEO) The PS22 Chorus and All the Oscar Winners Close out 'The Academy Awards'


Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic

Kim Kardashian got completely naked (NSFW pictures here) except for some silver paint for, I have no idea, some magazine (update - W magazine, apparently). Does it even matter. Hopefully it’s for Halloween. This is easily the best robot costume I’ve ever seen. Kourtney and Kim Take New York" Sunday, we see Kardashian's meltdown as she gets the photos from the full-frontal photo shoot she did covered in silver paint

Read More:Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic


Black Scorpion - Joan Severance

Read More:Black Scorpion - Joan Severance


Hollywood Model/actress Joan Severance

Model/actress Joan Severance

In the early 1980s, Joan Severance was easily one of the most incredibly beautiful fashion models of her time, and she had no trouble attracting attention from men who weren't dedicated followers of fashion.

She began her acting career with a recurring role in the CBS crime drama "Wiseguy," and she's also appeared in movies such as See No Evil, Hear No Evil. Many of her roles are in fact as the classic femme fatale in small-scale mystery movies.

She's been both a blonde and a brunette, but she manages to retain her consistent noir look.

Read More:Hollywood Model/actress Joan Severance


Mark Ruffalo interview: Oscars 2011

"Just think,” a friend of Mark Ruffalo’s told him excitedly, after he’d been nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his part in The Kids Are All Right. “You’ll never be a B-list actor again!”

There may well be something in this. After more than 20 years of being one of those recognisable faces whose name hovers elusively on the tip of people’s tongues, life may be about to change for Mark Ruffalo.

Yet in many ways getting an Oscar nomination is one of the least interesting things to happen to him. Not when you put it alongside the brain tumour, the paralysis and the family tragedy that led him to quit Hollywood. And then, when there seemed to be tranquillity in his life, he found himself accused of being a terrorist.

At one point in our conversation, Ruffalo refers to his having been scarred by experience. This isn’t said bitterly, or with any self-pity; it’s just that he’s led a pretty bizarre life and it’s left its mark.

On the outside, though, you’d never guess anything had gone amiss. At 43, his tousled black hair may have a few grey sprigs, but his face hasn’t lost its youthfulness and nor has his manner. Sitting in Claridges restaurant dressed in a sweatshirt, forking slices of papaya into his mouth, he looks like he belongs on a different planet to the rest of the guests.

Read more: Mark Ruffalo interview: Oscars 2011


Oscars 2011: Here's what you need to know about each Best Picture nominee to win the office pool

Never got around to seeing "Winter's Bone"? Still trying to figure out what exactly happened in "Inception"?

That's okay: We've got your Best Picture crib sheet right here. Just read it before your Oscar party begins, and no one will ever know you fainted halfway through "127 Hours." (There are a few minor spoilers below, but if you haven't seen these movies yet, you might as well give up and start looking toward the candidates for 2012.)


What You Need to Know: The feminine flip side to "Inception," Darren Aronofsky's trippy thriller went deep inside the troubled mind of an obsessive ballerina (Natalie Portman), leaving us shakily uncertain as to whether her nightmares were real.

Don't-Miss Moment: Well, we're fairly sure the sex scene between Portman and understudy Mila Kunis ranks pretty high for at least half the viewing public. But the exquisitely tortured finale was designed to take your breath away.

Life Lesson: When wings start growing out of your shoulder blades, it m

Read more: Oscars 2011: Here's what you need to know about each Best Picture nominee to win the office pool


Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?

Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?
By Moviefone Staff (Subscribe to Moviefone Staff's posts)
Posted Feb 27th 2011 1:12AM
Filed under: Oscar News
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It's Feb. 27, 2011 -- the date of the 83rd Academy Awards! And you're ready, with your Oscars ballot, your Oscars predictions, your Oscars party tips and your Oscars drinking game rules; and you've bookmarked the Oscar winners list, which we at Moviefone will be updating in real time. Now you just have one question: What time do the 2011 Oscars start?

For some people, the real show is the red carpet -- which starts at 6PM ET / 5PM CT / 3PM PT, and is televised on various channels, though the most popular coverage is on E!. Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic will be greeting the stars, asking what they're wearing, and providing fascinating banter of the "What parties are you going to?" variety.

And then the telecast of the Oscars ceremony begins at 8PM ET / 7PM CT / 5PM PT on ABC, hosted by James Franco and Anne Hathaway, who will join the pantheon of Oscar hosts and attempt to rank in your affections somewhere between Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg. (Want a peek at what the lineup of the show might be? Deadline Hollywood published some spoilers here.) Check your local TV listings

Read More:Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?

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