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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eliza Kruger Pictures Gone Viral: Who's the Perv Now?

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez was being called a perv for allegedly macking it with Eliza Kruger, the 17-year-old daughter of a hedge fund manager from New York City. Today, demands for Eliza Kruger pictures are one of the hottest Internet search trends.

Who's the perv now, oh Internet? Sanchez has done nothing wrong -- New York and New Jersey law both give the 24-year-old leave to date a 17-year-old based on the age of consent. But the same doesn't apply to sexy pictures of Kruger that might show up on the Internet.

If she's dressed, it's fine. Let's hope for everyone's sake, but most of all hers, that she is. She's put way too much of her own information out there, thanks to the interview with Deadspin that started this whole scandal, but she's still a human being who deserves some dignity. And let's hope that's what people concerned with this sex scandal are looking for.

But go looking for proof of Mark Sanchez and Eliza Kruger in flagrante delicto, and you're more than just a perv. You're a pedophile. If you want to see lascivious pictures of Eliza Kruger, you're committing a crime under federal law. Whether she's legally allowed to have sex or not, at 17 she falls under the federal child pornography statute regardless of who took the photos (yes, even if she took them of herself to send to Marky boy). That includes any picture that:

Read More:Eliza Kruger Pictures Gone Viral: Who's the Perv Now?


10 Reasons To Avoid Soda

Recently, my mother quit soda cold turkey. This may sound like no big deal, but to those who know her, it was the biggest of deals. What made her finally give up the bottle for good was a neighbor with car trouble. When he borrowed a can of her beloved Coke to clean the his corroded battery cables, she had an epiphany: Anything strong enough to eat through that gunk cannot be good for the human body.

She’s right, of course. Most of us know that soda isn’t good for us or our children. But do you have any idea just how bad it really is? Ashely M. Jones, of Pharmacy Technician Certification, does. On her blog, she’s written what she calls “10 Seriously Disturbing Facts About Soda.” Amazing battery-cleaning powers did not make the list, but here’s what did:

1. Bad Bones -Along with seniors, women and smokers, those who regularly drink soda are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis, a debilitating disease involving the thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density.
2. Kidney Stones – It goes down so easy, but it doesn’t always come out that way. At least one study has found that phosphate-based drinks may contribute to kidney stones in males.
3. It’s Addictive – All that caffeine, artificial sweetener and sodium can be a hard habit to break. Just ask my mom.
4. It’s Expensive -Lots of people are finally convinced to quit smoking cigarettes when they realize how money they are spending feeding their habit. Consider this: A family of soda drinkers who purchase 2 twelve-packs a week will spend about $400 each year.
5. Rotten Teeth – In addition to the damage all that sugar can do to your teeth, the phosphoric acid in soda can erode tooth enamel. The Academy of General Dentistry compares the levels of acid found in sodas to that found in batteries!
6. Mountain Dew Syndrome – When a beverage gets its own syndrome, you know there’s a problem. Just ask all those Mountain Dew lovers in Central Appalachia, American’s top spot for tooth decay.
7. Phosphorus Overload – The recommended daily intake of phosphorus is 800 mg. The average U.S. intake is about 1500 to 1600 mg per day. Find the stats on your favorite drink at Bellybytes.
8. Secret Ingredients – A study by Hollins University found that 48% of sodas from fast food fountains contain coliform bacteria. This comes from fecal matter. Enough said.
9. Does it Cause Cancer? — Possibly. Although there is more work to be done here, a recent study found that drinking just two soft drinks a week doubled the risk of getting pancreatic cancer. The beverage industry responded by saying the study was weak.
10. Seeing is Believing – For those who need a visual, here’s a video from Science on the Brain that shows just how much sugar a can of soda contains. Hint: it’s a lot and it’s kind of gross.

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Diet Soda Tied To Stroke Risk, Though Reasons Still Unclear

LOS ANGELES — It's far from definitive proof, but new research raises concern about diet soda, finding higher risks for stroke and heart attack among people who drink it everyday versus those who drink no soda at all.

The beverage findings should be "a wakeup call to pay attention to diet sodas," said Dr. Steven Greenberg. He is a Harvard Medical School neurologist and vice chairman of the International Stroke Conference in California, where the research was presented on Wednesday.

A simple solution, health experts say, is to drink water instead.

Doctors have no chemical or biological explanation for why diet soda may be risky. It could be that people who drink lots of it also fail to exercise, weigh more, drink more alcohol or have other risk factors like high blood pressure and smoking. However, the researchers took these and many other factors into account and didn't see a change in the trend.

"It's reasonable to have doubts, because we don't have a clear mechanism. This needs to be viewed as a preliminary study," said lead researcher Hannah Gardener of the University of Miami.

But for those trying to cut calories, "diet soft drinks may not be an optimal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages," she said.

The numbers come from the Northern Manhattan study, which enrolled about 2,500 adults over 40 in the New York area from 1993 to 2001 through random phone calls. Half are Hispanic and one-fourth are black, making it one of the few studies to look at these risks in minorities, who have higher rates of stroke.

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Whats the Reason of Gas Blast in Allentown-PA

Allentown, PA - A natural gas explosion in eastern Pennsylvania killed at least one person, leveled two houses, spawned fires that burned for more than seven hours and prompted the evacuation of hundreds of people. At least five others were unaccounted for Thursday.

The victim lived in two-story row house in a downtown residential neighborhood that blew up about 10:45 p.m. Wednesday, police Chief Roger MacClean said. A couple in their 70s lived in the home, but the condition of the body prevented positive identification, fire Chief Robert Scheirer said.

The cause of the explosion was unclear.

The fires consumed an entire row of homes, Scheirer said. The blaze was put out early Thursday, delayed by the difficulty of digging through packed layers of snow and ice to a ruptured underground gas line that was feeding the flames, he said.

He predicted eight houses would be lost and another 16 damaged.

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Academy Awards: Stalker helps King’s Speech win over The Social Network?

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 4:25 am by Belky Says!. Follow @greencelebrity on Twitter. Be sweet -- please help RE-TWEET! Read the latest celebrity gossip about Hollywood star celebs, green lifestyle, and bright green celebrities here. Check out Green Celebrity News Network on IMDb for more breaking headline news updates. If you are interested in joining the GCN Freelance Writers Team, email greencelebrity@gmail.com or connect on Facebook. Cheers!

Academy Awards Movie Nominees!

King’s Speech new favorite Oscar pick for best film after The Social Network losing Oscar glam due to negative impact of Mark Zuckerburg stalker?

[Feb. 10]

The Social Network, originally an Oscar Award nominee favorite seems to be losing popularity to new favorite The King’s Speech after Mark Zuckerburg files to get a restraining order against his Facebook stalker, 31-year-old Pradeep Manukonda.

Of Indian descent, Manukonda has repeatedly been sending Zuckerburg messages on his Facebook profile, directed at both Mark Zuckerburg and his sister, Randi. What finally scared Mark Zuckerburg into filing for the restraining order was finding a letter from Pradeep Manukonda at his home. Read the letter here.

Read More:Academy Awards: Stalker helps King’s Speech win over The Social Network?


Dirty Pictures Eliza Kruger

You really have to wonder what guys are thinking sometime. Mark Sanchez isn’t the first notable adult to hook up with an underaged woman (Jerry Seinfeld is probably the most notable), but it’s still hard to understand how Eliza Kruger could have been more alluring than all the 18+ year old New York women who I’m sure would be willing to throw themselves at the quarterback of the New York Jets.

This will be a placeholder for our gallery of Eliza Kruger pictures Right now there aren’t too many, but we have the feeling that’ll be changing. Hit the jump to see our Eliza Kruger pictures:

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View Eliza Kruger Pictures: Mark Sanchez 17-Year Old Girlfriend

Have you heard that Mark Sanchez supposedly has a 17-year old girlfriend named Eliza Kruger? Eliza Kruger claims that she spent the night at the home of the New York Jets quarterback, and boasted about it on Facebook. You can view Eliza Kruger pictures here.

In addition to speaking openly about her encounter with Mark Sanchez, Kruger also sent Deadspin a picture of an unmade bed as proof that she did in fact, hook up with him.

She told Deadspin, “He’s a really nice guy, you know…He’s one of the kindest people, and he’s a genuine person.”

Hmm…if Eliza Kruger’s claims are true, then I’m sure Mark Sanchez isn’t too happy about her kissing and telling.

Read More:View Eliza Kruger Pictures: Mark Sanchez 17-Year Old Girlfriend


Allentown, PA - 1 Dead, 5 Missing after Massive Gas Blast

Allentown, PA - A natural gas explosion in eastern Pennsylvania killed at least one person, leveled two houses, spawned fires that burned for more than seven hours and prompted the evacuation of hundreds of people. At least five others were unaccounted for Thursday.

The victim lived in two-story row house in a downtown residential neighborhood that blew up about 10:45 p.m. Wednesday, police Chief Roger MacClean said. A couple in their 70s lived in the home, but the condition of the body prevented positive identification, fire Chief Robert Scheirer said.

The cause of the explosion was unclear.

The fires consumed an entire row of homes, Scheirer said. The blaze was put out early Thursday, delayed by the difficulty of digging through packed layers of snow and ice to a ruptured underground gas line that was feeding the flames, he said.

He predicted eight houses would be lost and another 16 damaged.

In all, 500 to 600 people were evacuated, including elderly residents of a high rise. Residents were allowed to return home early Thursday. They had been taken to a Jewish community center and an agricultural hall at the city’s fairgrounds while emergency crews worked overnight.

Read More:Allentown, PA - 1 Dead, 5 Missing after Massive Gas Blast


SAT Prep Options at Portland Pupils is Rockport

Portland Pupils looks forward to helping students meet the SAT standards. We want to maximize their scores, opening up more opportunities for their future. SAT scores are one of the first consideration for college application and Portland Pupils has designed multiple SAT Preparation opportunities to meet individual styles and budgets.

PSAT Analysis-

Portland Pupils offers PSAT analysis to help parents and students understand and interpret the PSAT results. Our tutors can help to determine the areas of weakness a student has, and thus areas to work on before taking the actual SATs. The cost is $45 for an hour long session. PSAT analysis is recommended in January and February before the other SAT Prep options begin.

SAT Practice-

Portland Pupils will proctor and score SAT practice test afterschool. Students can come to our facility, for an hour Monday through Friday, and take two sections of an SAT practice test. A tutor will be on hand to time and score the test. This is a great opportunity for students to gain exposure to test questions, and work on their timing. The cost is $10 an hour and there is no limit to the number of times a student can come in.

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Morris School District Sees SAT Scores Rise in Latest NJ Report Card

Over 97 percent of students who enter the Morris School District graduated from high school in 2010, according to the latest statistics in the New Jersey State Report Cards, released on Tuesday.

That is a full percentage higher than the class of 2009, which recorded a 96.3 percent graduate rate. The state average for 2009-10 was 94.7 percent, which also reflected an upward trend from the previous average of 93.3 percent.

The graduation rate was not the only figure that rose in the 2009-10 school year. Attendance rates in the high rose 1/10th a percentage point, from 94.9 percent to 95 percent.

The average SAT scores in mathematics also rose, while verbal and essay scores dropped slightly from 2008-09 to 2009-10, but remained about 30 points higher than the state average. Advanced placement in language arts literacy stayed nearly the same as in 2008-09, dropping from 24.9 percent to 24.2 percent, while math dropped a few percentage points, from 34.5 percent to 31.8 percent, yet also remained higher than the state average in 2009-10 of 18.7 percent for language arts proficiency and 24.3 percent for math.

Read More:Morris School District Sees SAT Scores Rise in Latest NJ Report Card


Fresh Healty Body Sat Score?

Question by Biscuit: SAT ?
I’m an international student and planning to study my undergraduate in the US, I took the SAT a few weeks ago and I wasn’t so fast and left so many questions unanswered. today I got my online and it’s like that
critical reading: 410
math: 480
writing 480 multiple choice 51, essay 6

do you think I can get into a state university with these ?
does anyone know how to get a combined score, is it 1370 or 1427?

Best answer:

Answer by bluecollaraddict
i would take them again.

Give your answer to this question below!

search too much

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Latest news for: sat scores

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Tonight starts a stretch of three games against teams with a losing record for the Pacers. MIAMI — Indiana Pacers point guard Darren Collison sat slouched in his chair, staring at the box score between his legs as if he hoped the final score of Tuesday’s … read full article…

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Sat Scores

Sat Scores, More than half a million public school students in the class of 2010 scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP ® exam during high school, nearly double the number of students in class 2001, and exceed the total number of students in the class of 2001 who took AP exams (see Figure 1). As research consistently shows that students who score 3 or higher on AP exams generally experience college outcomes stronger than its peers, otherwise comparable non-AP, the data show this year’s report how educators are to improve college readiness of students in our country and preparing them to take AP courses and succeed on AP exams.

“Over the last decade we have seen a remarkable increase in the number of graduates who participate and succeed in the PA, said Council President Gaston Caperton.” The 7th Annual AP Report to the Nation is highlight the successes achieved by educators to help students from a wide variety of backgrounds gain access to and succeed in the work of college courses AP. AP can level the playing field for disadvantaged students, give them the confidence to succeed in college, and raise the level and performance in core subjects like science and mathematics. We are very pleased that more parents, students, educators and policymakers are recognizing these opportunities. ”

The 7th Annual AP Report to the Nation Highlights:

Read More:Sat Scores


Teddy Day With An Interesting Past

Today is the Teddy Day of the Valentine Week and every girl gets to own the cutest Teddy bear in the world. If you are wondering about the connection between the teddy bear and Valentine's week, then the answer is that the connection is to make the other person feel special. The Valentine Week is all about bringing a smile to your love.

Buzz up!
The feeling of love cannot be describes by just one thing, the definition is anything which makes your partner warm, loved and happy is love. The colour red, chocolates, teddy bears are things which are cute, beautiful and happy, thus, sharing it is showing love. The market of teddy bear is huge and on the Teddy Day, the market for this stuffed toy is at it's best.

According to a report by Times Of India, Archie Gallery is introducing teddy bears of seven, six and four feet on the occasion of Teddy Day. The price of which will be 7,000, 6000 and 4000 respectively. The demands for these teddy bears is also high.

The market is flooded with different colour, cute and cuddly Teddy Bears on the occasion of the Teddy Day. This non living object is one of the best expressions of love and also the best companion. Though they don't answer back, it always reminds you of the person and somehow the stuff toy is communicative. You can hug it when you are alone, cry to it and also hold it when you miss someone.

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Happy Teddy bear day

The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear. They are usually stuffed with soft, white cotton and have smooth and soft fur. It is an enduring form of a stuffed animal in many countries, often serving the purpose of entertaining children. Teddy Day is being celebrated on Thursday, February 10, which is the fourth day of the Valentines Day. Valentines Day started on February 7 with Rose day.

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Teddy Bear Day SMS 2011

The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear. They are usually
stuffed with soft, white cotton and have smooth and
soft fur. It is an enduring form of a stuffed animal
in many countries, often serving the purpose of
entertaining children. Teddy Day is being
celebrated on Thursday, February 10,
which is the fourth day of the Valentines Day.
Valentines Day started on February 7 with Rose day.

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Teddy Bear Day SMS

Hi Friends here you can check the Teddy Bear Day SMS. Collection of Teddy Bear Day SMS are listed here. Teddy Bear Day SMS available in this page. Check it here for Teddy Bear Day SMS. Below are the Teddy Bear Day SMS.
Teddy Bear Pictures
Teddy Day is being celebrated on Thursday, 10th February. which is the fourth day of the Valentines Day. Valentines Day started on February 7 with Rose day. So Lovers share their feelings on Teddy Day thru SMS. Teddy Day SMS are listed below.

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