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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Comic Con, Never before thousands of comic and movie fans

Comic Con, Never before thousands of comic and movie fans wanted so passionately that the third time lucky. After two failed, crash site registration openings and a series of tests successfully, badges Comic-Con for sale again on February 5 for the event in pop culture, which is July 21-24. Comic-Con International, in partnership with Event Planning International Corporation (EPIC), has opened registration for the event twice in November, but stop sales as thousands of candidates for pass-holders badly overwhelmed servers EPIC prepared. Take lessons from a trial in December, the con will open registration again on Saturday, this time in collaboration with IPEC and online ticketing company TicketLeap.

During the dates November 1 and November did not record 22 site Comic-Con has about 250 hits per second, three times more than when registration opened last year, according to David Glanzer, director of the Comic -Con marketing and public relations.

Read More:Comic Con, Never before thousands of comic and movie fans

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