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Sunday, February 13, 2011

For Just A Few Thousand Dollars, Dana White Will Be Your Twitter Buddy

Barry Petchesky — Dana White Will Be Your Twitter Buddy, For Just A Few Thousand DollarsNow, a change of pace: an attention whore who isn't Ines Sainz. If you've got the cash, you can get the UFC President to follow you on Twitter. Only for three months, though. He's a busy man.

Currently on eBay is the "Dana White Twitter MEGA Package," which sounds like something Clinton Portis would be interested in. But read on, and you learn that the winner of the auction will be followed by @danawhite for no less than 90 days (more, if he feels like it).

I'm sure there's something in here about how Twitter has become too powerful, and how some people put far too much weight in their number and quality of followers. @barryap1 @barryap1 @barryap1

I'm just more taken with the bonuses for the auction winner. Not only will White follow you, but he'll reTweet one of your messages! And mention you in one of his Tweets! If you look at his feed, you'll notice he does this all the damn time, for free.

At press time, there have been 67 bids, and the highest bid is up to $6,900.

What's that? All the proceeds are going to charity? I'm an asshole, then.

On the bright side, you can get Antonio Cromartie for $51.

Read More:For Just A Few Thousand Dollars, Dana White Will Be Your Twitter Buddy

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