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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who Will Win Best Picture? : Oscars 2011 Poll

With just hours to go before the Oscars launch, it's time to tackle the big question: who's going home with the Best Picture award?

In a field of ten nominees, it's seemingly once again down to two familiar competitors. Just as "The Hurt Locker" and "Avatar" raced neck-and-neck throughout the 2009 Academy Awards, tonight's show appears to be a similar throwdown between the popular favorite and the critical darling: "The Social Network" versus "The King's Speech."

But is the race really down to two? What of the other eight contenders? We've got some analysis after the jump, and make sure to cast YOUR vote for the Best Picture winner in our poll!

In just about any other year, virtually all of the 83rd Academy Awards' nominees for Best Picture would have the award on lockdown.

"Inception" was a blockbuster masterpiece that deftly married big budget effects with a thought-provoking story, while "True Grit" brought the Western back into the limelight with a blazing fury. "127 Hours," from "Slumdog Millionaire" Oscar favorite Danny Boyle, is an equally powerful tale of what a man will do to survive when all hope seems lost. "The Kids Are All Right" and "The Fighter" both feature fantastic performances and easily relatable tales about family turmoil, camouflaged in the form of a dysfunctional lesbian couple and a past-their-prime boxing clan. "Black Swan" might be Darren Aronofsky's crowning achievement to date, and it certainly is for Natalie Portman, but Portman's Oscar is likely as far as this one's going to go. Similar story for "Winter's Bone" — the lesser-known indie drama's real victory is the slew of Oscar nominations it received, not the statues. And "Toy Story 3," arguably the best of the series, is going to walk away with Best Animated Feature; that's its prize.

Despite all of their worthiness, the eight aforementioned contenders are not going to walk away with the Best Picture award this year. It's down to "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech," the two films that have dominated awards season through and through. Momentum seems to be on "The King's Speech" side, and it's certainly tailor-made for Oscar gold on the surface: a British drama about royalty and strife, armed with brilliant actors like Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush and beautiful direction from Tom Hooper. How can this story of overcoming personal adversity possibly lose?

"The Social Network" is what stands in the way. This is a movie that is very much of our time, exploring the making and dangers of the social networking community's most powerful tool. Facebook brings so many of us together, but it tore its founders apart. It's a shockingly devastating tale thanks to hard work from David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin and the entire cast. It's won several top prizes at awards shows, though the recent resurgence of "King's Speech" has seemingly derailed Fincher's Oscar hopeful. But don't be surprised if "The Social Network" has proudly accepted the academy's friend request by the end of Oscar night.

Read More:Who Will Win Best Picture? : Oscars 2011 Poll


"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation

"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation, the monarchy drama leading as expected with four Oscars and predictable favorites claiming acting honors.

Colin Firth as stammering British ruler George VI in "The King's Speech" earned the best-actor prize, while Natalie Portman won best actress as a delusional ballerina in "Black Swan."

The boxing drama "The Fighter" claimed both supporting-acting honors, for Christian Bale as a boxer-turned-drug-abuser and Melissa Leo as a boxing clan's domineering matriarch.

"The King's Speech" also won the directing prize for Tom Hooper and the original-screenplay Oscar for David Seidler, a boyhood stutterer himself.

"I have a feeling my career's just peaked," Firth said. "I'm afraid I have to warn you that I'm experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves."

Among those Portman beat was Annette Bening for "The Kids Are All Right." Bening now has lost all four times she's been nominated.

"Thank you so much. This is insane, and I truly, sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow nominees. I'm so in awe of you," Portman said.

Network censors bleeped Leo for dropping the F-word during her speech. Backstage, she jokingly conceded it was "probably a very inappropriate place to use that particular word."

"Those words, I apologize to anyone that they offend. There is a great deal of the English language that is in my vernacular," Leo said.

Read More:"The King's Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation


Best Picture Winner Oscars 2011:'The King's Speech'

King George VI triumphed and made his speech, and now, the film made the biggest speech of the night: "The King's Speech" was crowned Best Picture at the 2011 Oscars.

The World War II-set drama about friendship, trust and overcoming the odds beat out nine other films, including Golden Globe winner "The Social Network". It's the first time the Academy has awarded a film about British Royalty the top slot.

Colin Firth, who won for Best Actor, starred as King George VI, a stuttering King of England who must overcome his speech impediment to deliver a speech and inspire a downtrodden country as Nazi bombs rain down. Geoffrey Rush played his quirky speech therapist, Lionel Logue, while Helena Bonham Carter plays a young Queen Mum.

Read More:Best Picture Winner Oscars 2011:'The King's Speech'


(VIDEO) The PS22 Chorus and All the Oscar Winners Close out 'The Academy Awards'

Viewers who hung around through the Best Picture speeches for 'The Kings Speech' at 'The 83rd Annual Academy Awards' (Sun., 8:30PM on ABC) were surprised with a special treat to wrap the broadcast. In years past, things tend to wrap quickly after that final speech. Sometimes, the show has ended along with the speech.

This year, though, there was a special musical number by the PS22 Chorus, an internationally popular 5th and 6th grade chorus out of the Public School 22 in Graniteville, Staten Island in New York. Since 2006, the chorus has been gaining more and more noteriety thanks to director Gregg Breinberg's promotion of them online.

Now, they've gotten a chance to perform on one of the world's largest stages as they closed the Oscars with a performance of "Over the Rainbow." They were joined in the final moments by the night's winners, many singing along with the Judy Garland classic. It was a touching and special moment certainly for the kids, but it was a nice wrap to Hollywood's Biggest Night for the winners and audience as well.

Read More:(VIDEO) The PS22 Chorus and All the Oscar Winners Close out 'The Academy Awards'


Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic

Kim Kardashian got completely naked (NSFW pictures here) except for some silver paint for, I have no idea, some magazine (update - W magazine, apparently). Does it even matter. Hopefully it’s for Halloween. This is easily the best robot costume I’ve ever seen. Kourtney and Kim Take New York" Sunday, we see Kardashian's meltdown as she gets the photos from the full-frontal photo shoot she did covered in silver paint

Read More:Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic


Black Scorpion - Joan Severance

Read More:Black Scorpion - Joan Severance


Hollywood Model/actress Joan Severance

Model/actress Joan Severance

In the early 1980s, Joan Severance was easily one of the most incredibly beautiful fashion models of her time, and she had no trouble attracting attention from men who weren't dedicated followers of fashion.

She began her acting career with a recurring role in the CBS crime drama "Wiseguy," and she's also appeared in movies such as See No Evil, Hear No Evil. Many of her roles are in fact as the classic femme fatale in small-scale mystery movies.

She's been both a blonde and a brunette, but she manages to retain her consistent noir look.

Read More:Hollywood Model/actress Joan Severance


Mark Ruffalo interview: Oscars 2011

"Just think,” a friend of Mark Ruffalo’s told him excitedly, after he’d been nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his part in The Kids Are All Right. “You’ll never be a B-list actor again!”

There may well be something in this. After more than 20 years of being one of those recognisable faces whose name hovers elusively on the tip of people’s tongues, life may be about to change for Mark Ruffalo.

Yet in many ways getting an Oscar nomination is one of the least interesting things to happen to him. Not when you put it alongside the brain tumour, the paralysis and the family tragedy that led him to quit Hollywood. And then, when there seemed to be tranquillity in his life, he found himself accused of being a terrorist.

At one point in our conversation, Ruffalo refers to his having been scarred by experience. This isn’t said bitterly, or with any self-pity; it’s just that he’s led a pretty bizarre life and it’s left its mark.

On the outside, though, you’d never guess anything had gone amiss. At 43, his tousled black hair may have a few grey sprigs, but his face hasn’t lost its youthfulness and nor has his manner. Sitting in Claridges restaurant dressed in a sweatshirt, forking slices of papaya into his mouth, he looks like he belongs on a different planet to the rest of the guests.

Read more: Mark Ruffalo interview: Oscars 2011


Oscars 2011: Here's what you need to know about each Best Picture nominee to win the office pool

Never got around to seeing "Winter's Bone"? Still trying to figure out what exactly happened in "Inception"?

That's okay: We've got your Best Picture crib sheet right here. Just read it before your Oscar party begins, and no one will ever know you fainted halfway through "127 Hours." (There are a few minor spoilers below, but if you haven't seen these movies yet, you might as well give up and start looking toward the candidates for 2012.)


What You Need to Know: The feminine flip side to "Inception," Darren Aronofsky's trippy thriller went deep inside the troubled mind of an obsessive ballerina (Natalie Portman), leaving us shakily uncertain as to whether her nightmares were real.

Don't-Miss Moment: Well, we're fairly sure the sex scene between Portman and understudy Mila Kunis ranks pretty high for at least half the viewing public. But the exquisitely tortured finale was designed to take your breath away.

Life Lesson: When wings start growing out of your shoulder blades, it m

Read more: Oscars 2011: Here's what you need to know about each Best Picture nominee to win the office pool


Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?

Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?
By Moviefone Staff (Subscribe to Moviefone Staff's posts)
Posted Feb 27th 2011 1:12AM
Filed under: Oscar News
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It's Feb. 27, 2011 -- the date of the 83rd Academy Awards! And you're ready, with your Oscars ballot, your Oscars predictions, your Oscars party tips and your Oscars drinking game rules; and you've bookmarked the Oscar winners list, which we at Moviefone will be updating in real time. Now you just have one question: What time do the 2011 Oscars start?

For some people, the real show is the red carpet -- which starts at 6PM ET / 5PM CT / 3PM PT, and is televised on various channels, though the most popular coverage is on E!. Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic will be greeting the stars, asking what they're wearing, and providing fascinating banter of the "What parties are you going to?" variety.

And then the telecast of the Oscars ceremony begins at 8PM ET / 7PM CT / 5PM PT on ABC, hosted by James Franco and Anne Hathaway, who will join the pantheon of Oscar hosts and attempt to rank in your affections somewhere between Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg. (Want a peek at what the lineup of the show might be? Deadline Hollywood published some spoilers here.) Check your local TV listings

Read More:Oscars 2011 Time: What Time Do the Oscars Start?


Red Carpet: The Oscars 2011 time is quickly approaching.

The Oscars 2011 time is quickly approaching. Many people are trying to get their plans for the 83rd Annual Academy Awards in place before the stars hit the red carpet tomorrow night at the Kodak Theatre . . .

Read More:Red Carpet: The Oscars 2011 time is quickly approaching.


Giuliana Rancic talks on her new reality show

Giuliana Rancic talks on her new reality show about how she’s just not ready to try for a baby again after suffering a devastating miscarriage. In a clip from and upcoming episode, Giuliana says that “I’m emotionally not ready now. I’m not ready to go through it again.”

I’m sure that’s a sentiment echoed by lots of women who have suffered miscarriages. Giuliana also goes on to relate that she felt a sense of guilt over the miscarriage and that she worried that her husband blamed her for the loss.

“I was feeling guilty and I thought maybe you thought I did something.” Which I think is also a common feeling for women in the same situation. Of course Bill responded with “That’s absurd.”

Miscarriage is something that many couples suffer through so it’s nice to see that they’re being so open and honest about how they feel about it.

You can catch Giuliana & Bill on the Style network Monday nights at 8 pm and 11 pm

Read More:Giuliana Rancic talks on her new reality show


What Time Do the Oscars 2011 Start & What Channel? Find Out Here!

Oscar Sunday is a big day, not just for the stars up for an Academy Award but for countless movie and entertainment fans worldwide. Millions will tune in to see what one film get the best picture Oscar 2011, to see if Natalie Portman really wins best actress, and to see how James Franco and Anne Hathaway perform as the hosts. But there are some big questions, well one burning one.

What is the Oscars 2011 start time? What channel are they on and are you ready?The red carpet coverage starts at 6PM ET / 5PM CT / 3PM PT,on several channels but the E! one with Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic is pretty popular.

Read More:What Time Do the Oscars 2011 Start & What Channel? Find Out Here!


Watch cricket world cup 2011 online live - stream here

ID Analytics analyzed 290 million Social Security numbers, and found that 1 in 7 are associated with more than one name. Anywhere from 3-4 million names are directly used to commit fraud.

MSNBC reported the same study showed 140,000 SSNs are connected to 5 or more people and 27,000 SSNs are connected to 10 or more people.

Some of these secondary SSNs are the result of typos where an administrator may incorrectly enter a digit and then that secondary SSN is now connected to a person’s credit going forward.

In other cases it is deliberate fraud. When the same person is shown using multiple Social Security numbers on purpose then a flag is raised.

Consumers often find out their SSN is compromised as a result of being denied credit or when bill collectors call them for non payment.

Read More:Watch cricket world cup 2011 online live - stream here


Enjoy!India vs England live - stream cricket world cup 2011

More than 20 million watch Americans India vs England have multiple ICC cricket world cup 2011 Social Security numbers online (SSNs) associated score with their highlights name in commercial records according to a new study announced in December from ID Analytics, Inc. The study found that rather than serving as a unique identifier, more than 40 million SSNs are associated with multiple people.

6.1 percent of Americans have at least two SSNs associated with their name. More than 100,000 Americans have five or more SSNs associated with their name.

Dr. Stephen Coggeshall, chief technology officer, at ID Analytics said. “Most of these cases of duplication are likely due to simple data entry errors as opposed to deliberate falsification. Nevertheless, organizations expose themselves and their customers to risk if they solely rely on the SSN to verify an individual.”

Read More:Enjoy!India vs England live - stream cricket world cup 2011


India vs England World Cup Group Match Bangalore Feb 27 Live on STAR Cricket

angalore will host India vs England on February 27, 2011. This is definitely the biggest match of the Group stage of the Cricket World Cup 2011. The next big match is obviously India vs South Africa in the group stage. After getting shifted from Eden Gardens, Kolkata, I hope there are no more controversies in the India vs England match.

The live telecast of India vs England will be shown by STAR Cricket Live TV Channel in English and if you wish to listen to Hindi commentary, please watch the live streaming telecast on Star Sports TV Channel in India. In Pakistan, the same can be streamed on GEO Cricket Live TV Channel. Highlights of India vs England World Cup match will come on these channels.

The team for England should remain unchanged and they should continue with the team they had against the Netherlands. England won that match comfortably. The good thing about the batsmen was that they never panicked. They knew what they had to achieve and they achieved the score comfortably. England is a good team and I am sure they would do well in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011. This India vs England match will be decide how England will fare in this Cricket World Cup.

Read More:India vs England World Cup Group Match Bangalore Feb 27 Live on STAR Cricket


Watch India vs England live Streaming HD Video Online World Cup Cricket 2011 Match

The ICC Cricket World Cup is the most prestigious international competition in men’s Cricket, sanctioned by the International Cricket Council and occurring every four years. Tournament matches are played under the One Day International format, after preliminary qualification rounds determine which nations earn the chance to compete. The first Cricket World Cup took place in 1975 in England and was won by the West Indies team. Defending champion Australia has won more World Cups than any other nation (four), including the last three competitions. The 2011 Cricket World Cup — co-hosted by Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka — will be held between February 19 and April 2, 2011, with the final to be contested at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.

Read More: Watch India vs England live Streaming HD Video Online World Cup Cricket 2011 Match


IND vs ENG - India vs England Live Streaming Free ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

IND vs ENG - India vs England Live Streaming Free ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
Watch India v England ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 : Despite all the talk about Sehwag, his average against England in India is the lowest of the current top six - 37.70 - but the strike-rate is 100. India and England have met three times in Bangalore and it's the visitors who actually lead the head-to-head 2-1, although the wins did come back in 1985 and 1993.

Watch India v England Live Stream free TV HD Channels Online ICC Cricket World Cup 2011. Free TV Channels Online, no pay no survey via JustinTV, UStream, Freedocast, Sopcast, TVU, Veetle, Vshare and many more P2P links just in here. The game will soon be aired as scheduled, so don't leave this page if you do not want to miss to watch the match between India vs England.

Read More:IND vs ENG - India vs England Live Streaming Free ICC Cricket World Cup 2011


India vs England Live Stream – Cricket World Cup 2011 Betting, Odds, Predictions Free

You can also watch India vs England match live telecast coverage on your pc via live p2p, justin tv or Ustream sopcast streaming webcast right here. Be updated with live scores and highlights videos Avail information of the match between India vs England kickoff and tv schedule on 27-Feb-11, 14:30 IST Time only at Cricket World Cup 2011 live streaming. Thousands of fans are eagerly waiting for this match to start.We hope The fans of both team can enjoy with the live score, India vs England preview, recaps and highlights here. Enjoy India vs England live radio or India vs England Free live streaming justin tv broadcast webcast HD online here. Related searches : India vs England Free live streaming tv link, India vs England HD online, India vs England live Broadcast, India vs England live HD online, India vs England live online streaming, India vs England live p2p, India vs England live telecast coverage, India vs England live streaming, India vs England live streaming sopcast, India vs England live webcast, India vs England live justin tv, India vs England live scores, India vs England live broadcast, live stream India vs England, live streaming India vs England, live streaming India vs England, online free live stream India vs England, watch India vs England online live sopcast

Read More:India vs England Live Stream – Cricket World Cup 2011 Betting, Odds, Predictions Free


India vs England World Cup Cricket 2011: Time and Venue

World Cup 2011 in Bangalore. Both sides started off the tournament with victory, but a victory in Sunday’s match would prove to be a psychological booster for the winning side. So, India and England- both are determined to give their best in their bid to win the match.

Time and Venue

Sunday’s important day/night match between India and England will begin at 14:30 local time (09:00 GMT) at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore.

This match was originally scheduled to take place at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata, but after the failure of the Cricket Association of Calcutta (CAB) to meet ICC’s deadline of preparing the ground, this match was shifted to M. Chinnaswamy Stadium.

Read More: India vs England World Cup Cricket 2011: Time and Venue


world cup 2011: India vs England Live Updates

Watch Live ICC world Cup score Score Streaming online. India VS England ICC world Cup match Online On Internet tv live ICC Cricket Match , It is a day-Night Cricket Match. Watch This ICC World Cup cricket Match Live From HERE.
It is very Crucial match for both the team India and England. Both the team is in good position in group B. Watch and Enjoy Live icc world cup match between India vs England with us.

India (M.S.Dhoni) won the toss and decided to bat first.

Read More:world cup 2011: India vs England Live Updates

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