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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why are they famous again?

Sure, their names pop up in the headlines all the time and they sit front row during Fashion Week, but does anyone remember how they got there? Whether you love 'em or love to hate 'em, find out how these pseudo-celebrities came into our lives and refuse to leave.

Tinsley Mortimer :
She may not be in every gossip magazine yet, but don't worry, she will be soon. The New York socialite's new CW reality series, "High Society," is just the latest unscripted shows following the rich and famous-for-no-reason. As if we didn't have enough of those already.

Read more:Why are they famous again?


American Idol And Dancing With The Stars: Among Reality TV Winners Of People’s Choice Awards

January 9, 2009 12:00:45


The annual award shows have begun and this week, the People’s Choice Awards celebrated its 35th anniversarywith a strong representation from reality TV. Not only were American Idol alumi chosen by the public, but Dancing with the Stars and Deal or No Deal also took home awards this year.

American Idol’s Carrie Underwood took home three awards for favorite female singer, favorite country song Last name and favorite star under 35.

“God has blessed me with a wonderful life and a wonderful career and the most amazing fans I could ever dream for,” Carrie Underwood said from the podium. “People being fans and people voting for me are what gave me a career in the first place, and its so amazing that they continue to support [me].”

American Idol season six winner, Jordin Sparks’ collaboration with Chris Brown No Air, won in the favorite combined forces category.

“I actually think this is the first award show I’ve been at where they’ve actually aired my award, so I’m very excited about that,” Jordin Sparks said excitedly during her acceptance speech before thanking the fans for their support. “I feel like I’m on Idol again, so thank you.”

And last but not least of the American Idol winners, Secret Life of Bees, which featured Jennifer Hudson in a supporting role, won favorite independent movie.

ABC’s Dancing with the Stars took home the award for favorite competition/reality show for the second year in a row and Dancing with the Stars host Tom Bergeron, co-host Samantha Harris, judge Carrie Ann Inaba and this season’s winner Brooke Booke, took the stage to accept the award.

Read More:American Idol And Dancing With The Stars: Among Reality TV Winners Of People’s Choice Awards


Get Jana Kramer's 'I Won't Give Up' single now: What'd you think of the 'One Tree Hill' debut?

"One Tree Hill" star Jana Kramer premiered her first country single, "I Won't Give Up," on the show's Feb. 8 episode, "Holding Out for a Hero," and we loved it.

Kramer's acting career has so far trumped her singing career, but her passion certainly lies with music. The Michigan-born and now Nashville-based country hopeful was recently signed to Warner Music, which she's thrilled about if the exclamation points in her tweets are any indication. "My song 'I won't give up' is available on itunes now!!!!!!! Spread the love!!! I'm so grateful and blessed to have such amazing fans!!!!!!"

Yes, "OTH" fans, you can nab the song, and an acoustic version here.

"One Tree Hill" has an impressive track record for launching up-and-coming artists, from Wakey!Wakey! to Kate Voegele, among many others. We're thinking that if Kramer's country vibe can catch on with the show's fans, her music career's got a good head start.

Read More:Get Jana Kramer's 'I Won't Give Up' single now: What'd you think of the 'One Tree Hill' debut?


Lady Gaga releases cover art for 'Born This Way' single: It's fierce

Wow, could the run-up to the release of Lady Gaga’s forthcoming single “Born This Way”—and the album of the same name—be any more drawn out? The pop diva has released the lyrics to the song; moved the premiere from Grammys Sunday to this coming Friday; told us that Born This Way is going to be the “greatest album of the decade”; and released the artwork for the album as a whole. Whew! And today—shown here at the left—we are seeing the cover art for the single for the first time. (Perez Hilton officially debuted the cover.) And it’s quite the doozy of a photo: Doesn’t Gaga look almost animalistic in this shot? It’s—dare I say the word, especially after Perez used it to describe the art, too—totally and completely fierce. And really, would you expect anything less? Gaga’s hair flows mane-like, and it almost seems like you might find the creature she’s channeling somewhere in the African jungle. I’m really digging it. Now, can we just hear the song?

Read More:Lady Gaga releases cover art for 'Born This Way' single: It's fierce



Cantopop thespian Priscilla Chan enjoyed good success in the 1980s, though after she changed abroad to investigate at an American university, her recognition began to vacillate and in the future fade. Born in Hong Kong upon Jul 28, 1965, she done her recording entrance in 1983 at age eighteen with the strain “Forgotten Promise.” She scored many hits via the residue of the decade, many particularly the strain “Thousands of Songs” from her farewell album, Always Be Your Friend (1989). Following which album, Chan outlayed multiform years in the United States at Syracuse University study psychology. Her 1995 quip album, Welcome Back, was a outrageous success, and she remained renouned for multiform years afterward. After the spin of the century, however, her star began to blur as a new era of Cantopop singers overtook her.



Increases Facebook Lovely Faces Privacy Fears

Feb.8, 2011 – Online dating website Lovely Faces has admitted to stealing lovely faces from 250,000 Facebook profile pictures. According to News 24 in South Africa Lovely Faces promises to link users to plenty of lovely people. The site divides these people into categories like climbers, easy going, funny, mild, sly and smug; a fairly shallow way to look at people to start with but a step up from “hot” or “not.”
Identity Theft

If Lovely Faces was taking photographs to use for promotional purposes that would be bad enough. It would be a simple case of an invasion of privacy. The ownership of photographs on the internet is a grey area. Many are available for free and many professional ones are copywrited. However, what Lovely Faces has done to Facebook users is far worse.

It appears Lovely Faces has mined Facebook for 250,000 users in order to create the same number of fake profiles on its own site. There was not even an attempt at creativity or to mix things up. It was wholesale identity plunder. News24 gives an example of Chris Gandy, an American girl. Lovely Faces took her photo, her name and her details and moved it across to their site.

Read more at: Increases Facebook Lovely Faces Privacy Fears


Charming Valentines Day 2011 Gift Ideas makes so special for dear ones.

Valentines Day is just around the corner. It’s a time for exchanging sincere greetings of love, affection & joy and a beautiful time to spend with the ones you love. Valentines Day is a very important day for all the lovers. It is celebrated on 14th February annually to express love and affection between close companions.

On this day lovers express their sincere love for each other by offering flowers, giving chocolates, and greeting cards.

Are you looking for the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas for you lover and doesn’t understand what you will buy for her, then get trendy with gifts by preferring the most modern gifts. You can be able to get the idea about gifts by searching at online stores.

Apart from this option there are many modern gadgets that are in style or you can choose the gifts from a variety of online gift sites.

Read More:Charming Valentines Day 2011 Gift Ideas makes so special for dear ones.


Who is J. Paul Getty

Paul Getty III, grandson of American oil magnate J. Paul Getty, died Saturday in Buckinghamshire, England, at the age of 54. In 1973, Getty was abducted by the mafia, from a piazza in Rome. When his grandfather refused to send the requested ransom, Getty's kidnappers severed his right ear. He was released after four months in captivity. Perhaps the most disturbing part of the story: Getty's grandfather eventually ponied up a portion of the ransom and charged his son — J. Paul Getty II — interest for the remainder of the ransom.

A decade after the kidnapping, Getty fell into drugs and alcohol addiction, and suffered an incapacitating drug-induced stroke. His died Saturday after a long illness, and is survived by his two children, one of whom is actor Balthazar Getty.

Read More:J.Who is Paul Getty


J. Paul Getty Oil Heir III Dies

Paul Getty III, grandson of American oil magnate J. Paul Getty, died Saturday in Buckinghamshire, England, at the age of 54. In 1973, Getty was abducted by the mafia, from a piazza in Rome. When his grandfather refused to send the requested ransom, Getty's kidnappers severed his right ear. He was released after four months in captivity. Perhaps the most disturbing part of the story: Getty's grandfather eventually ponied up a portion of the ransom and charged his son — J. Paul Getty II — interest for the remainder of the ransom.

A decade after the kidnapping, Getty fell into drugs and alcohol addiction, and suffered an incapacitating drug-induced stroke. His died Saturday after a long illness, and is survived by his two children, one of whom is actor Balthazar Getty.

Read More:J. Paul Getty Oil Heir III Dies


Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg victims of Facebook stalker

Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan take out restraining order.

Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan took out a restraining order against a stalker who was using Zuckerberg’s own website to send harassing messages, reports Time.

Pradeep Manukonda, 31, sent Zuckerberg Facebook messages, handwritten notes and even flowers. The restraining order is also based on messages that Zuckerberg perceived to be threatening to his sister and Priscilla Chan, his longtime girlfriend. Manukonda has been ordered to stay at least 300 feet from Zuckerberg, his sister and Chan.

“Please respond in time … before it get too late for us … I owe entire my life at your service .. please help me, then I am ready to die for you,” Manukonda sent to Zuckerberg. On Jan. 24 he was also caught by police attempting to approach Zuckerberg’s front door.

Manukonda, who spoke with TMZ, stated that his intentions were peaceful.

“I’m a peaceful guy… I’m sorry he thought I was trying to harm him.”

He continues to say that he never meant any harm to Zuckerberg and just wanted some advice from the Facebook CEO.

“I understand he’s a busy man ... I’ll respect his privacy,” Manukonda said.

Read More:Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg victims of Facebook stalker


Who is Priscilla Chan?

Priscilla Chan, When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg started dating current girlfriend Priscilla Chan, before founding Facebook, it probably never dreamed he would be confronted by a stalker Facebook, or to his girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi Zuckerberg in danger.

However, this is exactly what Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi Zuckerberg are currently facing.

The Facebook user accused of stalking, identified as Pradeep Manukonda, 31, has reportedly threatened Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi with physical damage and also requested money for Pradeep Manukonda and his family short of money.

Mark Zuckerberg, who in December last year announced it would be one of the signatories of the commitment of giving, has filed an injunction against Pradeep Manukonda. Manukonda is now prohibited from approaching within 300 meters of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi Zuckerberg.

Certainly, the concerns never end up hitting the CEO (relatively) poor Facebook: After hacking his Facebook account, Mark Zuckerberg had to resort to the courts for an eviction against da ‘friends’ reactions. The so-called Pradeep Manukonda, aged 31, harassed her and “threatened” apparently Mark Zuckerberg Facebook with messages (obviously).

According to TMZ (who learned of the deportation order decided by the court), Pradeep Manukonda since January trying to get in touch with Mark Zuckerberg: He was repeatedly presented in Facebook’s offices and even after the home in Palo Alto Zuck. Pradeep Manukonda he also wrote a handwritten letter … accompanied by flowers.

And of course, he sent many messages on Facebook. Zuck course, but also to his sister Randi Zuckerberg:

He vows to dedicate his life to serve him and said “help me and I am ready to die for you”.

The wait for a scheduled hearing this month, Pradeep Manukonda a ban on approaching the brothers and sisters and his girlfriend Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg

Read More:Who is Priscilla Chan?


10 Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and we’ve all been thinking about what to get that special someone in our lives. Men have it easy when they buy for us, just flowers, chocolate and maybe a balloon or stuffed animal. But it’s so hard to get a good gift for him, what do guys want for Valentine’s day? What do men think they need in Valentine’s? Over the years I have given my husband all sorts of things for Valentine’s Day. When we first got together and I had absolutely no money to spend on gifts, I would make him dinner and give him those little coupon books, you know the ones where you put free hug and free kiss coupons. Nowadays I usually just buy or make him some type of Valentine Day treat.
I’ve put a list together here of some interesting finds for Valentine’s Day gifts for him.
Pictured above is chocolate covered strawberries form Shari’s Berries.

Pictured above is the World’s Largest Gummy Bear. Bring out your man’s inner child with this5 lb gummy bear.Give him this gigantic chocolate covered fortune cookie, with your own personalized message.
Gift bakets are usually a girl thing, but what guy couldn’t love a basket full of all sorts of different treats like this one.
This is such a cool gift. These whiskey stones are designed to cool his whiskey without watering it down. Pair this with a fine bottle of whiskey and your set.

This NFL Team M&M’S Dispenser with Candy is the cutest for your football loving man. You can choose your man’s favorite team and give him a gift he’ll remember.
This Harry and David gourmet Sports Bento Box full of delicious snacks would a great gift so your man can snack on the finest snacks while watching the game.
Read More:10 Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas , Valentine Chocolate
Read More:10 Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas


Madam Cj Walker Was Born

Madam Cj Walker, Madam CJ Walker was born December 23, 1867, as Sarah Breedlove. She was born in Delta, Louisiana, to Owen and Minerva Breedlove. His parents were freed slaves. There was a yellow fever outbreak that has killed many people in Los Angeles. When Sarah was 6, she was an orphan. She moved with her sister and Louvinia she resided in Vicksburg, LA.

His sister, like many black women of that time was a domestic worker. They were very poor and there were just not great opportunities available in Vicksburg.
Sarah married a man named Moses McWilliams at the age of 14. She gave birth to a daughter named Leila. When Sarah turns 20, she was a widow. Rumor has it that her husband was lynched Moses. After years of struggle, Sarah decided to move to St. Louis and worked as a laundress. Sarah could not read or write. She was extremely proud of her daughter’s education in St. Louis. It was something was not able to grow in Louisiana.

Read More:Madam Cj Walker Was Born


Valentine's Day: Gift, party and recipe ideas hot Internet trends

Valentine’s Day is filled with flowers, chocolate, jewelry and romance and as Cupid gets ready to fire his bow, many are searching for the perfect Valentine's Day gifts, recipes and party ideas. The holiday known as the love holiday is a hot Internet Trend.

If you are looking for a unique and romantic way to say how you feel Style Newport can help you express your feelings with their secret coded, nautical signal flag jewelry. Nautical signal flags represent both letters and numbers and are used to send messages from ship to ship. Style Newport owner Karen King has created a line of jewelry that can spell out short secret coded messages like “Marry Me”, or” I Love You”, making a special piece for the one you love.

Actress Dana Delaney from “Desperate Housewives” and “Body of Proof” was so thrilled when she received her Style Newport piece she yelled out, “I love these. I know exactly what these are, they’re signal flags, oh that’s so great I love them.”

Husband to be Tom Shevlin took Style Newport Jewelry one step further and used a bracelet of the secret coded signal flags to propose to Michelle Palazzzo. Tom says it was a unique and romantic way to propose, “Michelle loved it, leading up to the proposal she could figure out just about anyway that I could pop the question, but Style Newport’s secret coded jewelry was the game changer. Michelle was surprised, she didn’t see it coming and she loves telling the story of our romantic proposal to anyone she meets.”

Read More:Valentine's Day: Gift, party and recipe ideas hot Internet trends


Valentine s Day Gift Ideas for Pearl Jewelry

As a Limited Edition piece in HinsonGayle’s acclaimed Extreme Baroque Collection, this unique extended-length pearl tin cup chain is a true head turner. The necklace is crafted from 20 handpicked multicolor free-form baroque pearls, some of which are rare metallic pearls. These freshwater beauties are treasured for their stunning natural colors and unique and irregular shapes, as no two are exactly alike. The premium-grade freshwater pearls were selected for their mirror-like luster, enchanting natural colors, and alluring tones; they range from approximately 8-9mm wide to 11-13mm long. To finish off this ravishing design, we added one AAA-grade naturally metallic baroque pearl to the end, so that it can be suspended as a pendant from the chain. We handpicked each of these unique pearls from thousands of premium freshwater baroque pearls to find the handful of pearls that were colorful and large enough to be used in this design. This gorgeous showcase pearl is prized for its extraordinary shape and size, strikingly rare color, metallic luster, and rare surface orient. This statement gem has an unparalleled natural body color that exhibits an unbelievably stunning surface orient that casts a rainbow of metallic aubergine, rose, copper and green overtones. The pearl is around 20mm in length, which is extremely large for a real pearl. Each pearl is so rare that no two are alike, making this the perfect piece for the woman never wants to spot another wearing “her” necklace

Read More:Valentine s Day Gift Ideas for Pearl Jewelry


Think Outside Box for Valentine's Day Chocolates

Valentine's Day is a week away, and if you're thinking of getting your special someone some chocolate - who isn't?! - why not get a little creative and think outside the proverbial - and actual box?

On "The Early Show" Monday, Kimberly Kennedy, author of "The Art and Craft of Entertaining," pointed to a variety of ways you can make your gift special and outside the norm:

Of course, a box of chocolates is nice, but there are so many new/fun options out there today. Why limit yourself ?

Read More:Think Outside Box for Valentine's Day Chocolates


7 Gift Ideas for Last Minute Valentine's Day Shopping

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, the search for the perfect gift is on. Whether you're searching for your sweetheart, want to pick up something for a friend, or just want to treat yourself, you've come to the right place! We searched through some of our participating Boutique Week boutiques for some cute and completely unique last minute ideas to make shopping easier. For those of us who haven't found the perfect gift yet, take a peek at our picks for Valentine's Day gifts below; you might just want to keep everything for yourself!

Happy Valentine's Day!
With Love,
The Boutique Week Team

Read More:7 Gift Ideas for Last Minute Valentine's Day Shopping


Queen Noor

"Piers Morgan Tonight": Live with Queen Noor, Nick Kristof, Fareed Zakaria

Tonight on "Piers Morgan Tonight", we'll have more on the fluid Egypt story. Piers Morgan will interview Queen Noor, Nick Kristof and Fareed Zakaria live.

Piers also talks to the two people at the center of the biggest business story of the day – Arianna Huffington and Tim Armstrong, on AOL's purchase of The Huffington Post. Check it out, live, 9pmET. ( Read Queen Noor more... )

Jordan's Queen Noor joins Ricardo Karam on OTV this Tuesday

"Was your life a twist of fate or a stroke of luck?" asks host Ricardo Karam in an interview with Queen Noor Al Hussein of Jordan. The question was asked during her first interview with an Arab TV figure, Karam.

She talks about magic moments with King Hussein, moments of anguish and hope as a citizen of two different worlds, and many other subjects. Testimonials from other worldwide figures such as: M. Kofi Anan, Dr. Marwan Muasher, Dr. Rima Khalaf, Mrs. Layla Sharaf and Princess Wijdan Ben Fawwaz Al Hashimi also are given during the TV special, which will air on OTV on DISH Network on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011 at 10:15 p.m ET. ( Read Queen Noor more... )

Queen Noor on Muslim Brotherhood: "Have points of view that need to come to the table"

Queen Noor of Jordan appeared in a prime time exclusive with Piers Morgan tonight to talk Egypt and more. She spoke specifically about the Muslim Brotherhood. "Most Arabs are moderate peaceful centrists," she said. "The Muslim Brotherhood are one of many groups throughout the region that have points of view that need to come to the table." These comments came as a response to what Newt Gingrich said about the Brotherhood today. ( Read Queen Noor more... )

Queen Noor of Jordan about the Muslim Brotherhood

In an exclusive interview with Piers Morgan last night, Queen Rania of Jordan said that while most Arabs are moderate peaceful centrist, the Muslim Brotherhood are one of the many groups throughout the region that have points of view that need to come to the table.

Her remarks were in response to Morgan’s question about Newt Gingrich’s statement earlier before saying that “the Muslim Brotherhood is a mortal enemy” of Western civilization.

In his critics to Obama’s administration approach to political crisis in Egypt, Gingrich expressed his concerns that the United States might reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood. ( Read Queen Noor more... )

Queen Noor: US Too Tight with Egyptian Military

By Hiram Reisner

Jordan’s Queen Noor Wednesday said part of what led to Egypt’s turmoil was the vast majority of U.S. aid was military, with little concern to the country’s – or the region’s – social fabric. In an MSNBC interview, the queen also indicated Jordan has far to go before it can be considered a democratic nation, but Tuesday’s change in government in the Hashemite kingdom is a positive first step..

Read more on Newsmax.com: Queen Noor: US Too Tight with Egyptian Military
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now! ( Read Queen Noor more... )

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Courtesy : CNN , The Arab American News , News Worthy & News Max

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