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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg victims of Facebook stalker

Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan take out restraining order.

Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan took out a restraining order against a stalker who was using Zuckerberg’s own website to send harassing messages, reports Time.

Pradeep Manukonda, 31, sent Zuckerberg Facebook messages, handwritten notes and even flowers. The restraining order is also based on messages that Zuckerberg perceived to be threatening to his sister and Priscilla Chan, his longtime girlfriend. Manukonda has been ordered to stay at least 300 feet from Zuckerberg, his sister and Chan.

“Please respond in time … before it get too late for us … I owe entire my life at your service .. please help me, then I am ready to die for you,” Manukonda sent to Zuckerberg. On Jan. 24 he was also caught by police attempting to approach Zuckerberg’s front door.

Manukonda, who spoke with TMZ, stated that his intentions were peaceful.

“I’m a peaceful guy… I’m sorry he thought I was trying to harm him.”

He continues to say that he never meant any harm to Zuckerberg and just wanted some advice from the Facebook CEO.

“I understand he’s a busy man ... I’ll respect his privacy,” Manukonda said.

Read More:Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg victims of Facebook stalker

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