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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lady Gaga releases cover art for 'Born This Way' single: It's fierce

Wow, could the run-up to the release of Lady Gaga’s forthcoming single “Born This Way”—and the album of the same name—be any more drawn out? The pop diva has released the lyrics to the song; moved the premiere from Grammys Sunday to this coming Friday; told us that Born This Way is going to be the “greatest album of the decade”; and released the artwork for the album as a whole. Whew! And today—shown here at the left—we are seeing the cover art for the single for the first time. (Perez Hilton officially debuted the cover.) And it’s quite the doozy of a photo: Doesn’t Gaga look almost animalistic in this shot? It’s—dare I say the word, especially after Perez used it to describe the art, too—totally and completely fierce. And really, would you expect anything less? Gaga’s hair flows mane-like, and it almost seems like you might find the creature she’s channeling somewhere in the African jungle. I’m really digging it. Now, can we just hear the song?

Read More:Lady Gaga releases cover art for 'Born This Way' single: It's fierce

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