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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Increases Facebook Lovely Faces Privacy Fears

Feb.8, 2011 – Online dating website Lovely Faces has admitted to stealing lovely faces from 250,000 Facebook profile pictures. According to News 24 in South Africa Lovely Faces promises to link users to plenty of lovely people. The site divides these people into categories like climbers, easy going, funny, mild, sly and smug; a fairly shallow way to look at people to start with but a step up from “hot” or “not.”
Identity Theft

If Lovely Faces was taking photographs to use for promotional purposes that would be bad enough. It would be a simple case of an invasion of privacy. The ownership of photographs on the internet is a grey area. Many are available for free and many professional ones are copywrited. However, what Lovely Faces has done to Facebook users is far worse.

It appears Lovely Faces has mined Facebook for 250,000 users in order to create the same number of fake profiles on its own site. There was not even an attempt at creativity or to mix things up. It was wholesale identity plunder. News24 gives an example of Chris Gandy, an American girl. Lovely Faces took her photo, her name and her details and moved it across to their site.

Read more at: Increases Facebook Lovely Faces Privacy Fears

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