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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sanchez Picks Nose VIDEO: Preschoolers Know Better!

One little boy picks his nose and wipes the booger on his friend. Ewwww. But, not totally uncommon with small children. Though, they quickly learn that is disgusting and break that habit.

Or, most of them do. Apparently, Jets Quarterback Mark Sanchez never learned that boogers are one thing you shouldn’t share. There’s now even a Sanchez picks nose video, where you can clearly see him pick his nose and wipe it on the jacket of his teammate Mark Brunnell during last night’s AFC Championship game.

My preschooler has better manners.

You can watch the video here:

Good thing the Jets didn’t make it into the Super Bowl so that we don’t have to witness any more Mark Sanchez booger incidents this year.

Read More:Sanchez Picks Nose VIDEO: Preschoolers Know Better!

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