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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadspin: Mark Sanchez Eliza Kruger Affair Details (She’s 17 Years Old!)

Mark Sanchez and a 17 year old had an affair? Deadspin has all the details about 17 year old Eliza Kruger’s claims to have had an affair with New York Jets’ Mark Sanchez.

Eliza Kruger contacted Deadspin to share her story of hooking up with Mark Sanchez (including pics!), with Deadspin noting that “E.K, fearful of the potential backlash and tabloid infamy that might ensue, decided it would be best to tell her version of the story so there would be no misunderstandings.”

Kruger first sent an email up front to Deadspin, saying:

“A threatening email was sent to me from someone by the name [name redacted] who claims to be doing research for you, it regards Mark Sanchez picking up a girl in a club around new years. The tip was originally sent from a [name redacted]. If you could explain what is going on here I would greatly appreciate it because so far I am being threatened w media exposure regarding false accusations and slander.”

Kruger told Deadspin of her meeting with Mark Sanchez at a Manhattan nightclub, where she claims to have told him, “You know I’m 17, right?”

Sanchez, she claims, said, “Well, we can still talk, but I can’t see you until you’re 18.” She noted, “Actually, 17 is legal in New York.” Nice to have your facts ready.

You can read the full Eliza Kruger story at Deadspin – she talks about their first date, going to his place, and the two hooking up, as well as the text messages he sent her and the photos she took of his bedroom.

Read More:Deadspin: Mark Sanchez Eliza Kruger Affair Details (She’s 17 Years Old!)

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