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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mark Sanchez’s 17-Year-Old Lady Friend Has Found A Lawyer

A.J. Daulerio — Mark Sanchez's 17-Year-Old Lady Friend Has Found A LawyerSo we've been working on a story the last couple weeks about Mark Sanchez's romancing of a 17-year-old girl. She reached out to us first and agreed to cooperate. Then she didn't. Then she did again. Now, of course, her lawyer has contacted us.
The entire story of what this legal letter hints at will be revealed on Tuesday. Rest assured, the lawyer has left out a few details. We won't publish this young lady's full name, but if the photos she sent to us from her Blackberry of Mark Sanchez's bedroom — supposedly taken on her cell phone after she spent the night with him a few weeks ago — were not sent by her, then there's more to this than previously suspected. Most likely, not, though. Just a hunch.

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