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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sideshow: Uh-oh, a grand theft charge for LiLo

Lindsay Lohan, whose misdeeds so far haven't done much more than earn her some rehab time and make her perennial paparazzi prey, is in real trouble now.

The L.A. District Attorney's office announced Tuesday that it planned to charge the actress/train wreck with felony grand theft in connection with the disappearance of a $2,500 necklace from a store near Lohan's home. She was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday afternoon. If convicted, she could get anything from probation to a three-year stay as a guest of the state of California. Security cameras supposedly captured LiLo accessorized with the jewelry. Cops got a warrant to search her home, but before they could ring the bell, the necklace had been mysteriously returned.

Lohan's lawyer denies she did anything wrong. The Mean Girls star is on probation from a 2007 drunken-driving incident and may face battery charges from a December tiff with a worker at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Desert, Calif.

Olbermann moves on
Keith Olbermann has made his move.

MSNBC's former old-school, Old Testament prophet has signed a deal to become chief news officer at Current TV, the cable and online outlet founded by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt.

Olbermann, described on the cabler's website (http://current.com/) as an "acclaimed broadcaster and writer whose verbal pyrotechnics and moral passion have outraged, informed, and dazzled viewers," also will host a nightly news show.

"Nothing is more vital to my concept of a free media," Olbermann said in a news release, "than news produced independently of corporate interference." (Current TV is available on Comcast on channel 107 or 125; DIRECTV on channel 358 and DISH Network on channel 196.)

Read more: Sideshow: Uh-oh, a grand theft charge for LiLo

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