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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rousseau, Revolutions and Egypt

Once again, the World is witness to the revolutionary aspirations of a people long suppressed. Today it is Egypt. Yesterday it was Tunisia and decades before that Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Iran. The Russians endured their own revolution in the early 1900’s and the French in the 1800’s. We had our own in the century before and there have been others in between.

So what will become of Egypt? Will true democratic reform follow? Or will their aspirations be hijacked in an exchange of rulers more interested in their power than others freedom? While the courses of revolutions are rather unpredictable, the answer likely lies with the nature of Egyptian society.

Some transitions, whether catalyzed by an internal revolution or outside regime change, succeed and are witness to an enlightened new rule; others fail and either relapse into prior existences or merely exchange one set of rulers for what the French philosopher Voltaire would say were others, only less refined.

Another 18th Century French philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was more stark when he wrote that

“People accustomed to masters will not let mastery cease … Mistaking liberty for unchained license, they are delivered by their revolutions into the hands of seducers who will only aggravate their chains …”

So why do some transitions succeed where others fail? The answer lies in the political and economic maturity of those who would rule and the disbursement of economic power. The French Revolution, which began the year after Rousseau’s death, featured great economic disparity between the rulings classes and an underclass that mistook their inspired but sudden liberty for unchained license. Unaccustomed to governing and with a limited commercial underpinning, the property they destroyed was not their own.

In the end, the divergence between their aspiration to govern and their ability to govern left them vulnerable to seducers. The chaos, which included the Reign of Terror and the deaths of thousands at the hands of “reformers,” was finally quelled by the order of another master in the form of Napoleon – thereby fulfilling Rousseau’s warning. The Russian Revolution followed a not dissimilar pattern and featured a similar, scarce middle/commercial class for whom self-governance was a stranger.

The fate of our own revolution was different. Buffered by an ocean and lacking the great economic class divisions of pre-revolutionary France and Russia, America had a burgeoning commercial class that distributed economic power more evenly than France or Russia. America was also afforded much greater degrees of self-governance for over 100 years. In that way, when they took battlefield, they sought not to destroy the wealth around them because, in many cases, it was their own and when they took the reins of power they could fall back more on their reasoned experience than rage.

Read More:Rousseau, Revolutions and Egypt


Prof. Emeritus John Kaemmer Passes Away at Age 82

January 9, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — John E. Kaemmer, professoAdd Imager emeritus of anthropology at DePauw University, passed away January 4 in Concord, Massachusetts. A member of the DePauw faculty from 1975 to 1992, he was 82 years old.

Born in Great Falls, Montana, on August 29, 1928, Kaemmer earned a bachelor's degree in music from Willamette Univerity, attended the Boston University School of Theology, earned an M.A. from Scarritt College, an M.Div. from Garrett Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Indiana University - Bloomington, where his dissertation examined "The dynamics of a changing music system in rural Rhodesia."

Proficient in several languages, including90530 Portuguese, French, Shona, Tshwa, and Kimbundu, Dr. Kaemmer taught at the Cambine School in Morrumbene, Mozambique from 1952-54; Quessa Normal School in Malange, Angola (1957-61); and Nyadiri Teacher Training College in Mutoko, Zimbabwe (1964-68) through programs administered by the United Methodist Board of Missions. He was an instructor at Indiana University in 1974-75 before coming to DePauw. He was named chair of the sociology and anthropology department in 1980.

The professor conducted field research in Zimbabwe on music and social organization from 1971 to 1973, and spent a 1982 sabbatical in Zimbabwe to research change in Shona music. He received a Fulbright Award to lecture in Zimbabwe during the 1992-93 academic year and was the recipient of two National Endowment for the Humanities grants as well as an award from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

Kaemmer authored a textbook, Music in Human Life, and he contributed to the book Africa. His work was also published in Ethnomusicology; the University of Rhodesia's Bulletin of the Institute of Education; and the International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music

Read More:Prof. Emeritus John Kaemmer Passes Away at Age 82


Is this Pakistanism in Sudan?

Borders in Africa have long caused conflict. Now Sudan's Christian-Muslim divide could raise tensions

The referendum in Sudan, which will result in the secession of the south, is the first redrawing of an African colonial border by popular vote. The question many are asking is whether this will create a precedent across the continent.

When African heads of state created the Organisation of African Unity in 1963, they committed themselves to fighting colonialism and its legacy. Yet the one legacy they had no intention of ending was the borders of their own countries.

Some "decolonised" their national names. The Gold Coast became Ghana, Northern Rhodesia became Zambia, Nyasaland became Malawi. But almost none of them were prepared to decolonise their boundaries. The new African Union, formed in 2002, renewed this commitment.

So the Southern Sudan referendum was truly historic. In this country, the size of western Europe, it took two civil wars, the death of more than a million people and the displacement of millions of others to reach the simple decision to allow Southern Sudanese people to determine their own territorial destiny.

I have discussed the Sudanese civil wars with former presidents Jaafar Nimeiri and Omar el Bashir. Both were stubbornly protective of territorial integrity. Like other African leaders they were afraid of the domino effect. Even now, many in Khartoum fear that Southern Sudan's independence could lead to similar separatist demands in Darfur.

The borders of African countries were an aftermath of the Berlin conference of 1884-5 at which 14 European countries negotiated their scramble for Africa. The boundaries were drawn to suit the colonial powers, with little regard for the history or cultural cohesion of the colonised peoples. They often divided people who belonged together and forcefully enclosed communities who had no experience of shared government or economic co-operation.

The most absurd was the division of the Somali people into five parts – separate British, Italian and French colonies, with a fourth Somali fragment integrated into Ethiopia and a fifth into colonial Kenya. The Somalian people have never recovered.

Read MOre:Is this Pakistanism in Sudan?



Rhodesia (pronounced /roʊˈdiːʒə/), officially the Republic of Rhodesia from 1970, was an unrecognised state located in southern Africa that existed between 1965 and 1979 following its Unilateral Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom on 11 November 1965. With its government based at the former colonial capital of Salisbury, its territory consisted of the former British colony of Southern Rhodesia. The state was named after Cecil John Rhodes, whose British South Africa Company acquired the land in the 19th century.

The landlocked country bordered South Africa to the south, Botswana (post-1966) to the southwest, Zambia to the northwest and Mozambique (a Portuguese territory until 1975) to the east. The state was governed by a predominantly white minority government until 1979, initially as a self-governing colony then, after the Unilateral Declaration of Independence as a self-proclaimed sovereign Dominion and latterly a Republic.

Throughout its history, Rhodesia continued to be referred to by the British, who did not recognize the state, as "Southern Rhodesia". Before 1964, the name "Rhodesia" had referred to the territory consisting of Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia which formed the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. It consisted of modern Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi; however, when the former colony of Northern Rhodesia renamed itself Zambia on independence in 1964, Nyasaland renamed itself Malawi in 1964, and the colony of Southern Rhodesia changed its name to simply "Rhodesia".

However, the change had not yet been officially ratified when Rhodesia declared itself independent, and as a result, the British Government continued to refer to the breakaway colony as "Southern Rhodesia" throughout its existence, a stance it maintained regarding the June–December 1979 successor state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Therefore, when Zimbabwe Rhodesia returned to colonial status from December 1979 to April 1980, it was as "Southern Rhodesia", which, according to Britain, it had never ceased to be called. Southern Rhodesia subsequently gained international recognition of its independence in April 1980, when it became the independent Republic of Zimbabwe.

Read More:Rhodesia


Q&A: What is the difference between Zimbabwe and Rhodesia?

Air Rhodesia Boeing 720 Jan Smuts Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Image by express000
Air Rhodesia Boeing 720 Jan Smuts Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Registration VP-TNM

Question by meestawombat: What is the difference between Zimbabwe and Rhodesia?
I had the impression Rhodesia was renamed Zimbabwe as it attained independence. I could be completely wrong. Thanks for reading the question.

Best answer:

Answer by Showstoppa
Your right. Major diference is that Rhodesia was one of the richest countries in the world. . . while Zimbabwe on the other hand. . .

Read More:Q&A: What is the difference between Zimbabwe and Rhodesia?


Rhodesia was Super Serigraph

Korero books recently collaborated with Derek Yaniger again and the result is a new Serigraph entitled “Rhodesia was Super“. This four color silk-screened print is based off a travel slogan from the 1970s and is limited to an edition of 100. All profits will be donated to the Zimbabwe Agricultural Welfare Trust, a charity which seeks to provide support for the beleaguered agricultural community in Zimbabwe.

Read More:Rhodesia was Super Serigraph


Bosnia Vs Mexico: Bosnia Vs Mexico Info You Need To Know

All of the zesty info you want and need to know about Bosnia vs Mexico.

Bosnia- Herzegovina squares off against Mexico and the two teams are looking to spice up the Georgia Dome and have us referring to Atlanta as Hotlanta once again.

Unfortunately, that will not happen.

This isn’t even remotely close to being a hot match. It’s a rather poor match up to throw at fans in the States, or even soccer fans in general, despite a few storylines heading into this match. ( Read Bosnia vs Mexico more... )

Mexico vs. Bosnia: Welcome, Chepo

Whether you’re still pissed about 2010 or not, El Tri is back and the new cycle begins today in the least spectacular fashion with a bout against a very weakened, Edin Dzeko-less Bosnia & Herzegovina in Atlanta (hell yeah, friendlies in the US…not!). At least the beginning of the last World Cup cycle began with a match with against the USA, and the presentation of a new kit. Oh well.

No matter how lame the match today may seem, it will be worth catching a glimpse of what the new Mexican side looks like and what Chepo De La Torre has up his sleeve. The objectives for the year are clear: win the Gold Cup (the one with full powered squads), do well in the Copa America, and develop a system that works so that each player’s role is well defined. ( Read Bosnia vs Mexico more... )

Mexico vs Bosnia Free Live Stream Online tv Feed Video HD International Friendly

Mexico vs BIH Bosnia Live Stream Free Online Watch Soccer Live Stream Video Online Coverage this February 9 2011 [9/2/11] in 2011 International Friendly of FIFA. Free online web tv of Mexico vs BIH Bosnia International Friendly of FIFA game will be available here and don’t miss to watch Mexico vs BIH Bosnia live streaming TV broadcast live on TV channels below on scheduled time at 20.00 EST

Read More:Bosnia vs Mexico


Mozilla Firefox 4 beta 11 and Mark Sanchez 17 year old girl friend

Mozilla Firefox 4 beta 11 and Mark Sanchez 17 year old girl friend makes headlines as she claims she hooked up with Jets caller Mark Sanchez and that he texts her even in midnights.

Mozilla has unveiled its latest browser in the form of an eleventh beta release of Firefox 4. Among a host of upgrades to the running version, "Do Not Track" setting is the hall mark improvement. Despite of powerful bugfixes, the new version features controversial app for behavioral ads.

Before jumping to the new version take a caution about your personal identity being tracked by advertisers. Personal security advocates have raised concern over the consumer tracking facility available in the upgraded browser. To address this grievance Internet advertising companies offer cookie-based opt-out service.

Though this app will prevent the advertisers from tracking users are concerned about the chances of violation. However, Mozilla had taken enough security measures including an optional header to HTTP requests. According to Mozilla officials the header will straightly inform the advertisers about the users’ resistance against tracking.

Tech experts have suggested that the HTTP header feature would be more effective than cookie-based solution. Although Mozilla had implemented this feature in Firefox 4 beta 11 the latest one is relatevly easy for users to find and enable. Moreover the new version offers a new checkbox that the user can toggle to control whether the opt-out header is transmitted to servers.

However, experts disclosed that the ‘Don’t Track’ feature will not work until it gets buy-in from the major advertising companies. Unfortunately none of the major advertisers had recognized the new header. Users can find the new version of Mozilla fire beta on the official website of the browser vendor.

A report says, "She's in high school and dating the star quarterback -- of the Jets!...Superstar Gang Green play caller Mark Sanchez "hooked up" in his New Jersey home last month with a striking 17-year-old Connecticut high-school girl -- whose preppy dad is a super-wealthy financier, a bombshell new report claims".

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Mozilla Firefox 4 beta 11 and Mark Sanchez 17 year old girl friend


Sanchez Picks Nose VIDEO: Preschoolers Know Better!

One little boy picks his nose and wipes the booger on his friend. Ewwww. But, not totally uncommon with small children. Though, they quickly learn that is disgusting and break that habit.

Or, most of them do. Apparently, Jets Quarterback Mark Sanchez never learned that boogers are one thing you shouldn’t share. There’s now even a Sanchez picks nose video, where you can clearly see him pick his nose and wipe it on the jacket of his teammate Mark Brunnell during last night’s AFC Championship game.

My preschooler has better manners.

You can watch the video here:

Good thing the Jets didn’t make it into the Super Bowl so that we don’t have to witness any more Mark Sanchez booger incidents this year.

Read More:Sanchez Picks Nose VIDEO: Preschoolers Know Better!


Mark Sanchez’s 17-Year-Old Lady Friend Has Found A Lawyer

A.J. Daulerio — Mark Sanchez's 17-Year-Old Lady Friend Has Found A LawyerSo we've been working on a story the last couple weeks about Mark Sanchez's romancing of a 17-year-old girl. She reached out to us first and agreed to cooperate. Then she didn't. Then she did again. Now, of course, her lawyer has contacted us.
The entire story of what this legal letter hints at will be revealed on Tuesday. Rest assured, the lawyer has left out a few details. We won't publish this young lady's full name, but if the photos she sent to us from her Blackberry of Mark Sanchez's bedroom — supposedly taken on her cell phone after she spent the night with him a few weeks ago — were not sent by her, then there's more to this than previously suspected. Most likely, not, though. Just a hunch.


Mark Sanchez 17 Year Old Hook Up Eliza Kruger–Was it Illegal?

New York Jets star quarterback Mark Sanchez is being run over the coals for allegedly hooking up with a Eliza Kruger, a 17-year-old high school girl and very much a minor. But it’s being reported that the 24-year-old football star didn’t know how young his hook-up was. She supposedly lied about her age. So if he didn’t know she was underage. And even though she was 17, is that even a crime?

Not in New York or New Jersey. But it’s the idea of a grown man, a famous grown man, is dating a girl in high school that gives people pause. But should Mark Sanchez be publicly skewered for his alleged entanglement with this high schooler? Especially if he didn’t know. The two reportedly met at a Manhattan nightclub, which probably had an age requirement to get in, so he probably assumed she was older right off the bat. But Deadspin – in their interview with Eliza Kruger said:

“You know I’m 17, right?” she remembers saying. Sanchez kept his cool. “Well, we can still talk, but I can’t see you until you’re 18,” he said. “Actually,” E.K. replied, “17 is legal in New York.”

So if it’s legal, and it was consensual…what’s the big deal?

Read More:Mark Sanchez 17 Year Old Hook Up Eliza Kruger–Was it Illegal?


Unique Rainbow Rose

I was watching the view this morning and they were talking about rainbow roses. I had never seen them before.
From a florist website:
Each rose petal reflects a vibrant color and comes together to form a mulit-colored rose. Perfect for vegas style events and special occasion parties, the Rainbow Roses are harvested and custom dyed for you just prior to shipping.

You can't improve on Mother Nature...But, they are interesting!

Read More:Unique Rainbow Rose


Rainbow Roses: Order Rainbow Roses for Valentine’s Day

Rainbow Roses: Order Rainbow Roses for Valentine’s Day Rainbow roses are real roses said to be made by injecting dyes into the stem as they are growing. The petals then somehow absorb the dyes. After that, magic.
Rainbow roses were originally designed by Peter Van de Werken, a florist in Den Bosch, Holland.
And they aren’t cheap.
Rainbow roses can run you up to $325 for a two dozen.
You can also get them freeze dried so they’ll last you a little longer. For freeze-dried rainbow roses visit

Rainbow Roses: Order Rainbow Roses for Valentine’s Day


Eliza Kruger (PICTURE): Jets QB Mark Sanchez "Hooked Up" with 17-Year-Old Girl, She Tells Deadspin

liza Kruger (SIPA PRESS) To license, contact Sipa Press at www.sipausa.com or 212-463-0150

(CBS) New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez reportedly "hooked up" with Eliza Kruger, a 17-year-old Connecticut girl who claims to have spent the night at the quarterback's New Jersey home.

Eliza's father is a wealthy financier according to the New York Post. The high schooler told the sports blog Deadspin that she met Sanchez at a Manhattan nightclub on New Year's Eve and they dined together a week later.

That's when she claims things started heating up.

"We went back to his place in Jersey after dinner. He lives on a golf course. There was a big storm," Eliza told Deadspin.

According to The New York Post, Eliza bragged about the alleged encounter on Facebook and sent Deadspin photos of an unmade bed as "proof."

When the Deadspin reporter asked if she "hooked up" with Sanchez that night after dinner, she replied "Yeah."

"He's a really nice guy, you know," Eliza told the site. "He's one of the kindest people, and he's a genuine person."

Read More:Eliza Kruger (PICTURE): Jets QB Mark Sanchez "Hooked Up" with 17-Year-Old Girl, She Tells Deadspin


Who is Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson just filed for divorce from hubby Pete Wentz.

Ashlee Simpson Divorce

In documents filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Simpson cites "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the divorce.

She's asking for joint legal custody and primary physical custody of two-year-old Bronx.

Simpson, who is repped by disso queen Laura Wasser, is also asking for spousal and child support. Wentz is repped by Stacy Phillips.

Sources tell TMZ there is no prenup. The couple married in May, 2008.

The couple just released a joint statement, saying, "After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to file for divorce.

We remain friends and deeply committed and loving parents to our son Bronx, whose happiness and well-being remains our number one priority. We ask that everyone honor our privacy as we navigate this next phase of our lives."

Read More:Who is Ashlee Simpson


Deadspin: Mark Sanchez Eliza Kruger Affair Details (She’s 17 Years Old!)

Mark Sanchez and a 17 year old had an affair? Deadspin has all the details about 17 year old Eliza Kruger’s claims to have had an affair with New York Jets’ Mark Sanchez.

Eliza Kruger contacted Deadspin to share her story of hooking up with Mark Sanchez (including pics!), with Deadspin noting that “E.K, fearful of the potential backlash and tabloid infamy that might ensue, decided it would be best to tell her version of the story so there would be no misunderstandings.”

Kruger first sent an email up front to Deadspin, saying:

“A threatening email was sent to me from someone by the name [name redacted] who claims to be doing research for you, it regards Mark Sanchez picking up a girl in a club around new years. The tip was originally sent from a [name redacted]. If you could explain what is going on here I would greatly appreciate it because so far I am being threatened w media exposure regarding false accusations and slander.”

Kruger told Deadspin of her meeting with Mark Sanchez at a Manhattan nightclub, where she claims to have told him, “You know I’m 17, right?”

Sanchez, she claims, said, “Well, we can still talk, but I can’t see you until you’re 18.” She noted, “Actually, 17 is legal in New York.” Nice to have your facts ready.

You can read the full Eliza Kruger story at Deadspin – she talks about their first date, going to his place, and the two hooking up, as well as the text messages he sent her and the photos she took of his bedroom.

Read More:Deadspin: Mark Sanchez Eliza Kruger Affair Details (She’s 17 Years Old!)


Eliza Kruger-You know I’m 17, right.“Well, we can still talk. But I can’t see you until you’re 18.”

Did their conversation go something like this?

“You know I’m 17, right.”

“Well, we can still talk. But I can’t see you until you’re 18.”

“Actually, 17 is legal in New York.”

This is allegedly what is going on between New York Jets QB Mark Sanchez and Eliza Kruger, a 17 year old high school student from Connecticut.

Mark Sanchez 225x300 17 Year Old Eliza Kruger Dating New York Jets QB Mark SanchezEliza’s father is Connecticut hedge funder Konrad “Chip” Kruger. Very well known, and VERY wealthy.

According to today’s Deadspin.com and New York Post, Sanchez, 24, and Kruger are in a relationship – they’ve had dates at the famous Nobu restaurant in New York City and even overnight stays in Sanchez’s New Jersey home.

They met at a nightclub on New Year’s Eve, and Kruger actually posted on her Facebook page, that “MARK F–ING SANCHEZ” texted her.

Eliza told Deadspin.com: “We went back to his place in Jersey after dinner. He lives on a golf course. There was a big storm.” She also took photos of a bed in his bedroom that you could tell had been (at least) slept in as “proof” of their huddle just days later.

Asked if she “hooked up” with Sanchez that night at Nobu during the first week of January, Eliza said, “Yeah,” albeit somewhat reluctantly, according to Deadspin.

When a Deadspin editor told her he was going to research the legality of the relationship, Eliza reportedly replied that the age of sexual consent in New Jersey is “16. I checked.”

“He’s a really nice guy, you know,” Eliza told the site. “He’s one of the kindest people, and he’s a genuine person.”

Read More:Eliza Kruger - You know I’m 17, right.“Well, we can still talk. But I can’t see you until you’re 18.”


Study Says Children Of Divorce May Have Suicidal Thoughts As Adults

According to a new study by the University of Toronto, men and women who were children of divorce are more likely to commit suicide as adults. Men were found to have a higher incidence of suicidal tendencies than women. Men whose parents divorced when they were children were three times more likely to seriously consider suicide than men who grew up with both parents. Adult daughters of divorced parents were 83 percent more likely to have suicidal thoughts than those whose parents stayed married.

The study published online in the journal Psychiatry Research. University of Toronto researchers looked at 6,647 adults, including 695 who were younger than 18 when their parents divorced.

Lead author Esme Fuller-Thomson, of the faculty of social work and department of family and community medicine, explains “that the pathways linking parental divorce to suicidal ideation are different for men and women. The association between parental divorce and suicidal thoughts in men was unexpectedly strong, even when we adjusted for other childhood and adult stressors, socioeconomic status, depression and anxiety.”

She goes on to say that women whose parents had divorced were not particularly vulnerable to suicidal ideation if they were not also exposed to childhood physical abuse and/or parental addictions.

The research is “not meant to panic divorced parents,” she explains. “Our data in no way suggests that children of divorce are destined to become suicidal.”

While this study does not prove that children of divorce will suffer long-term problems, which is not always the case, it does raise some questions, particularly about how boys and girls express their feelings. Perhaps it suggests that girls do a better job at dealing with their feelings, or getting help, or talking through their hardships and consequently don’t build up feelings to the point of desperation. Regardless of gender, kids need to have a full support system so that when adversity occurs, they don’t feel alone, whether that challenge is divorce, death, sickness or any other thing that comes along the way. And boys need to be able to cry, to talk, and to let out their feelings whether they are toddlers, teens or even men.

Read More:Study Says Children Of Divorce May Have Suicidal Thoughts As Adults


Eliza Kruger: Mark Sanchez's 17-Year-Old Girlfriend!

Rumors that New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez is dating a 17-year-old high school student have been floating around online for weeks now.

It looks like they're accurate, and his girlfriend's name is Eliza Kruger!

Eliza claims she hooked up with Mark Sanchez, 24, with Deadspin and also on Facebook, bragging about getting texts from “MARK F–ING SANCHEZ.”

Mark Sanchez Picture

The daughter of Connecticut hedge funder Konrad “Chip” Kruger also reportedly texted pals who she met at NYC nightclub Lavo on New Year’s Eve.

“You know I’m 17, right?” Eliza recounted of their first conversation.

Mark replied, “Well, we can still talk, but I can’t see you until you’re 18," to which Eliza Kruger helpfully reminded him, “17 is legal in New York.”

They kept in touch and Mark gave her tickets to the Jets vs. Bills game. Later that week, they went on a date and after the date, they hooked up.

Asked if the had relations, she said, “Yeah. We went back to his place in Jersey after dinner. He lives on a golf course. There was a big storm.”

Eliza also said she made sure to research the legality of dating a minor - 17 being the legal age of consent in New York and 16 in New Jersey.

“He’s a really nice guy,” Eliza said. “He’s a genuine person.”

She says he last texted her at 2 a.m. on Jan. 24, after he returned home from Pittsburgh where the Jets lost in the AFC Championship Game.

Being a school night, Eliza Kruger declined.

Kruger has since lawyered up, wary of having her name plastered across the Internet, compared it to to the Ashton Kutcher mistress situation.

Read More:Eliza Kruger: Mark Sanchez's 17-Year-Old Girlfriend!


Eliza Kruger: What Would You Do If Your 17 Year Old Daughter Had an Affair with Mark Sanchez?

Many parents would love to lock up their teenage daughters until they are 25. Keeping them away from the prying paws of adult males. But sending them to their rooms until they are grown just isn’t practical…or very nice. Your daughters will meet boys, men and – in the case of Eliza Kruger- a 24-year-old Jets quarterback.

It is being reported that Eliza Kruger had had relations with Mark Sanchez, seven years her senior. And now the news of their alleged affair is everywhere. And as a parent, one has to wonder what Eliza’s mom and dad are thinking right about now.

Initially – in the original Deadspin report – she was just known as E.K. but her name (and Facebook page) was leaked to the press. Included was news that her dad is the very well known Connecticut hedge funder Konrad “Chip” Kruger but her dad and her mom Marie divorced back in 2006, when Eliza was 13.

Eliza Kruger has since hired a lawyer, a move probably prompted by her parents. To have your teenager involved with an older man is one thing, but to have your daughter’s dalliances exposed for all to hear about? Probably not the best news to wake up to. What recourse will the parents have? The Mark Sanchez Eliza Kruger “hook up” wasn’t illegal according to New York and New Jersey laws. But she still lives at home, and is not yet an adult. Maybe her parents will ground her? Take away some privileges (and she comes from a very privileged home)? Or perhaps they’ll just cancel their Jets season tickets.

Read More:Eliza Kruger: What Would You Do If Your 17 Year Old Daughter Had an Affair with Mark Sanchez?


17 Year Old Eliza Kruger Dating New York Jets QB Mark Sanchez

“You know I’m 17, right.”

“Well, we can still talk. But I can’t see you until you’re 18.”

“Actually, 17 is legal in New York.”

This is allegedly what is going on between New York Jets QB Mark Sanchez and Eliza Kruger, a 17 year old high school student from Connecticut.

Mark Sanchez 225x300 17 Year Old Eliza Kruger Dating New York Jets QB Mark SanchezEliza’s father is Connecticut hedge funder Konrad “Chip” Kruger. Very well known, and VERY wealthy.

According to today’s Deadspin.com and New York Post, Sanchez, 24, and Kruger are in a relationship – they’ve had dates at the famous Nobu restaurant in New York City and even overnight stays in Sanchez’s New Jersey home.

They met at a nightclub on New Year’s Eve, and Kruger actually posted on her Facebook page, that “MARK F–ING SANCHEZ” texted her.

Eliza told Deadspin.com: “We went back to his place in Jersey after dinner. He lives on a golf course. There was a big storm.” She also took photos of a bed in his bedroom that you could tell had been (at least) slept in as “proof” of their huddle just days later.

Asked if she “hooked up” with Sanchez that night at Nobu during the first week of January, Eliza said, “Yeah,” albeit somewhat reluctantly, according to Deadspin.

When a Deadspin editor told her he was going to research the legality of the relationship, Eliza reportedly replied that the age of sexual consent in New Jersey is “16. I checked.”

“He’s a really nice guy, you know,” Eliza told the site. “He’s one of the kindest people, and he’s a genuine person.”

What do you think about this alleged romance?

Read MOre:17 Year Old Eliza Kruger Dating New York Jets QB Mark Sanchez


Oklahoma snow: Snow continues to blow through Oklahoma

Snowfall totals in Oklahoma City have not yet approached the high end of initial estimates, but snow and blowing snow continue to affect Oklahoma this morning.

BY MICHAEL KIMBALL AND ROBERT MEDLEY Staff Writers mkimball@opubco.com rmedley@opubco.com Oklahoman Comment on this article 8
Published: February 9, 2011

The latest winter storm to blow through Oklahoma has not been quite as bad as the worst of preliminary forecasts, but snow and blowing snow continue to affect the state this morning.

Snowfall totals in Oklahoma City have not yet approached the high end of initial estimates, but snow and blowing snow continue to affect Oklahoma this morning.

BY MICHAEL KIMBALL AND ROBERT MEDLEY Staff Writers mkimball@opubco.com rmedley@opubco.com Oklahoman Comment on this article 8
Published: February 9, 2011

The latest winter storm to blow through Oklahoma has not been quite as bad as the worst of preliminary forecasts, but snow and blowing snow continue to affect the state this morning.

Read more: Oklahoma snow: Snow continues to blow through Oklahoma


Current TV: Hot Trends Art Schlichter

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- "Art Schlichter" is a trending search topic on the Internet following reports that the former All-American college football star is at the center of an investigation into a scam to sell fake tickets to Super Bowl XLV at a high profit.

Schlichter is notorious for his gambling addiction, and has been in and out of jail dozens of times since 1994, mainly for fraud and forgery, according to reports.

The former Ohio State Buckeyes quarterback apparently told investors that he would use their money to buy and sell Super Bowl tickets, but failed to produce their tickets on game day because he allegedly gambled away all of their money.

Read More:Current TV: Hot Trends Art Schlichter


Love, etc.

l Split: Olivia Wilde, 26, and Tao Ruspoli, 35, reports People. She's the D.C.-bred daughter of journalists Andrew and Leslie Cockburn now having a big Hollywood moment in "House" and "Tron: Legacy"; he's a filmmaker/musician from Italian aristocracy. They met in L.A., got engaged at Burning Man, eloped in 2003 (yes, when she was 18). Their marriage was later toasted at an A-listy party at her parents' Virginia country place and a gathering at his family's castle near Rome.

l Born: A son to Christine Marinoni, 43, partner of "Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon, 44, reports People. They're naming him Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni. Nixon has two children by an ex-boyfriend.

Read More:Love, etc.


Sideshow: Uh-oh, a grand theft charge for LiLo

Lindsay Lohan, whose misdeeds so far haven't done much more than earn her some rehab time and make her perennial paparazzi prey, is in real trouble now.

The L.A. District Attorney's office announced Tuesday that it planned to charge the actress/train wreck with felony grand theft in connection with the disappearance of a $2,500 necklace from a store near Lohan's home. She was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday afternoon. If convicted, she could get anything from probation to a three-year stay as a guest of the state of California. Security cameras supposedly captured LiLo accessorized with the jewelry. Cops got a warrant to search her home, but before they could ring the bell, the necklace had been mysteriously returned.

Lohan's lawyer denies she did anything wrong. The Mean Girls star is on probation from a 2007 drunken-driving incident and may face battery charges from a December tiff with a worker at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Desert, Calif.

Olbermann moves on
Keith Olbermann has made his move.

MSNBC's former old-school, Old Testament prophet has signed a deal to become chief news officer at Current TV, the cable and online outlet founded by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt.

Olbermann, described on the cabler's website (http://current.com/) as an "acclaimed broadcaster and writer whose verbal pyrotechnics and moral passion have outraged, informed, and dazzled viewers," also will host a nightly news show.

"Nothing is more vital to my concept of a free media," Olbermann said in a news release, "than news produced independently of corporate interference." (Current TV is available on Comcast on channel 107 or 125; DIRECTV on channel 358 and DISH Network on channel 196.)

Read more: Sideshow: Uh-oh, a grand theft charge for LiLo


R&B Singer Marvin Sease Dead at 64

Today is another sad day for the World of music, as we have learned that American R&B singer Marvin Sease has died today at age 64.

According to online reports, Sease passed away at Vicksburg, Mississippi just eight days before turning 65. Although it was rumored that Sease was suffering from pneumonia, the exact cause of death has not been revealed yet.

Marvin started his career as a gospel singer with diverse groups at a young age, but when he was 20 he moved to New York and there he joined the Gospel Crowns. But he quickly decided that he wanted to form his own R&B group and along with his three brothers he formed the band Sease.

Sease had big successes such as the 1986 song “Ghetto Man” and the 1987 track “Candy Licker”.

He continued his career releasing several more albums in the upcoming ten years. He was booked to appear in music festivals this month.

Rest in Peace Marvin Sease. Here’s a video to remember him:

Read More:R&B Singer Marvin Sease Dead at 64

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