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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Google is celebrating sculptor Constantin Brancusi’s 135th anniversary

Google is celebrating sculptor Constantin Brancusi’s 135th anniversary with a portrayal of his greatest works, including The Kiss, in its Doodle.

Brancusi was born in Romania in 1876 and studied in Bucharest before moving to Paris in 1904. He spent over 50 years in the French capital and died there in 1957.

He produced over 215 sculptures by the time of his death and went on to become one of the founding figures of modern sculpture. He is also said to be one of the most original artists the 20th century has seen, according to the Metro.

His works, particularly carvings, apparently brought abstractism and primivitism into the medium of sculpture for the first time. He worked with various materials, including limestone, marble, bronze and wood. His pieces were considered to be just as important as Pablo Picasso’s in establishing the modern art era.

Apart from Picasso, Brancusi had many other influential friends, including sculptor Auguste Rodin, Man Ray and Henri Rousseau.

Read More: Google is celebrating sculptor Constantin Brancusi’s 135th anniversary

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