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Monday, February 7, 2011

Joan Rivers Reams Christina Aguilera Over Star-Mangled Banner

EXCLUSIVE: Christina Aguilera has pipes of steel, but her memory failed her on Super Bowl Sunday when she flubbed the ramparts out of the Star-Spangled Banner. With great gaffes come great amounts of criticism, and although the singer has tried to explain herself ("I lost my place"), she couldn't escape the wrath of Joan Rivers.

"How stupid can you get?" Joan asked when I talked to her on Monday. "Christina must have been thinking about food, that's why she forgot the words."

Before the big game, Christina belted out "What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming." It was the second time she sang the "What so proudly" line, but before she used the word "gleaming" instead of "reaming."

The 'Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?' star continued using Christina's oft-fluctuating weight to rough up Christina, and offered a line she thought she could have used, "O say can you see ... french fries." Joan snarked that there was an upside to Christina's fluctuating weight. "She's gotten so big," -- here's where you say how big is she? -- "She looks like she could eat Lady Gaga. Great way to get rid of competition."

After 'The Star-Spangled Banner' wrapped, Aguilera headed backstage where a source told me that the singer was "devastated" by her mistake.

Read More:Joan Rivers Reams Christina Aguilera Over Star-Mangled Banner

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