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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justin Bieber Cuts His Hair -- The PHOTOS

The very fabric of the universe was altered today ... Justin Bieber got a haircut ... and it was unveiled on TMZ Live!
Justin Bieber New Haircut
The Biebs underwent a little snip-snip today while on the set of a music video for a song he did with Rascal Flatts -- that's Gary from the group (above) having a little fun with the scissors. (Ed.'s note: Kids, don't play with scissors)

On TMZ Live today, Justin said the actual cutting was done by his regular hairdresser Vanessa. He said he was a little nervous about the cut, but he "wanted to change it up" and he thought the cut was "kind of a mature look."

They grow up so fast.

Read More:Justin Bieber Cuts His Hair -- The PHOTOS

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