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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kim Kardashian silver paint photos hot or not?

Monday January 31, 2011 at 5:56 pm by guest. Follow @greencelebrity on Twitter. Be sweet -- please help RE-TWEET! Read the latest celebrity gossip about Hollywood star celebs, green lifestyle, and bright green celebrities here. Check out Green Celebrity News Network on IMDb for more breaking headline news updates. If you are interested in joining the GCN Freelance Writers Team, email greencelebrity@gmail.com or connect on Facebook. Go Green!

Kardashian Sisters News!

Kim Kardashian silver paint photos in W Magazine- Hot or not? —

[Jan. 31]

Seeing reality TV star Kim Kardashian slathered in silver paint in the pages of W Magazine, we just had to ask: Kim Kardashian silver paint photos hot or not?

The November issue of W magazine, in which reality TV star Kim Kardashian is covered in body paint and featured with a silver body, has drawn quite a bit of publicity. The photos, part of the W Magazine annual art issue, feature reality TV star Kim Kardashian in nothing but silver, so we just had to ask the question: Kim Kardashian silver paint photos hot or not?

The silver body of art that is Kim Kardashian has certainly drawn opinions on both sides, with even Kim Kardashian herself opining on her show, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, that the silver paint photos were porn!

However, reality TV star Kim Kardashian calmed down after a while and quickly changed her stance, saying later on during the show Kourtney and Kim Take New York that the pics were OK.

Read More:Kim Kardashian silver paint photos hot or not?

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