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Friday, February 11, 2011

Guandique Sentenced in Chandra Levy’s Murder

One of the District’s most sensational murder cases is finally over, with Ingmar Guandique being sentenced to 60 years in prison in D.C. Superior Court this morning.

It was quite a dramatic sentencing. Susan Levy, the murdered intern’s mother, pointed at Guandique in the courtroom, telling him "rot in hell." She ended her remarks by looking at Guandique and saying "finally, fuck you," according to TBD.

Guandique, who killed Chandra Levy, an intern in the Bureau of Prisons back in 2001, originally wasn’t fingered for the crime. Instead, U.S. Rep. Gary Condit of California was suspected, due to his affair with the young intern. (A media circus erupted—a maligned congressman makes for much better headlines than an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.)

The sentencing also apparently ends a story that's become part of local media lore. Years after the killing, The Washington Post devoted a seies of stories to the unsolved mytery back in 2008. But it was Amy Keller, a reporter at Roll Call, who actually first wondered if Levy really had been the victim of a random attack, instead of a malicious congressman. As she wrote in a 2002 Salon article:

Read More:Guandique Sentenced in Chandra Levy’s Murder

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