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Friday, February 4, 2011

Pennsylvania boy Nadin Khoury Video

Nadin Khoury Video, Nadin Khoury, the Pennsylvania boy who was brutally assaulted by a pack of young boys last month, a special surprise Thursday when he appeared on ABC, The View. Khoury, 13, came home from school on Jan. 11 when he was randomly beaten, dragged through the streets, put in a tree, then suspended by his coat on a metal fence high seven classmates. The incident was captured on video by one of the assailants, who pushed the story in the national spotlight.

“I watched the tape, and I just broke down. … It’s just something that no parent wants to see, “the boy’s mother, Rebecca Wright, recalled on the morning show.

After discussing how the incident had affected Khoury was shocked when the ladies of The View took out his favorite player in the NFL, the Philadelphia Eagles star DeSean Jackson, who was joined by teammates Todd Herremans and Jamaal Jackson.

“Whenever you never need us, I have two linemen here … my boys are ready to go, “said the catcher, who gave a swimsuit Khoury Eagles and was offered tickets to any game next season.

Nadin Khoury, a 13-year-old from Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, was brutally attacked by his classmates earlier this year when he was walking home from school. The local police chief called the bully a “pack of wolves, one of whom filmed the whole attack and posted online. Police described the incident as “unreasonable” and arrested six teenagers involved Monday.

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