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Friday, February 4, 2011

Wear Red Day 2011: Teaching Girls to be Heart Smart

Wearing red in February isn’t just reserved for Valentine’s Day anymore.

The next time you help your daughter pick out her clothes, be sure to pull something red out of her closet. Today is National Wear Red Day, which is intended to raise awareness of heart disease and women, and it’s never too soon to teach your little ones about the importance of being heart healthy.

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, although heart attacks are generally thought to be a “man thing.” One in four women will die of heart disease, compared to one in 30 who will die from breast cancer. In fact, more women die of heart disease than from all types of cancer combined.

Heart disease is brought on when arteries in the heart become blocked, preventing oxygen and other vital nutrients from traveling to the heart. Once diagnosed, it will remain for life. While mostly middle-aged women are affected, heart disease can strike teenagers as well. African Americans and Hispanics are also more prone to heart disease, as are those with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Overweight people and smokers face increased risks, too.

Read More:Wear Red Day 2011: Teaching Girls to be Heart Smart

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