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Monday, February 28, 2011

Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech (Video) : Oscar Winners

As far as Oscar winners go, Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech was one of the best. Watch Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech in this video clip – he’s dashing, funny, and quick to share his thanks.

Oscar winners complete list – find out who was an Oscar winner!

In Colin Firth’s Oscar acceptance speech for Best Actor for his role in The King’s Speech, he says, “I have a feeling my career’s just peaked.”

Oscar winner Colin Firth then describes his feeling to dance in this Oscar acceptance speech: “I’m afraid I have to warn you that I’m experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves.”

Firth added, “Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get off stage.”

He thought it best to be brief with his thanks… how cute was Colin Firth’s acceptance speech?

Read More: Colin Firth Oscar Acceptance Speech (Video) : Oscar Winners

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