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Monday, February 28, 2011

Twitter war continues: The Rock insults John Cena and Cenation with online photo

The Rock is truly in a war of words (nothing physical yet) with WWE superstar John Cena. Even though Cena and WWE Champion the Miz are locked to face off in a main event Championship match at Wrestlemania on April 3rd, the trash talking between The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) and Cena has been getting more attention and creating buzz.

Wrestling fans around the world want to see what the two mega-stars will say about each other tonight on WWE RAW. It appears the Rock will respond on RAW tonight to Cena's battle rap rampage from last week's RAW.

Both men were twetting up a storm this weekend, here is what they are teasing for tonight.

Read More:Twitter war continues: The Rock insults John Cena and Cenation with online photo

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