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Monday, February 28, 2011

GTBP Scorecard and Oscar Results

If you missed the Oscars telecast, you didn't miss much. I hate to say that, because I'm a big fan of the annual event—I treat it pretty much the same way I do Super Bowl Sunday: we have friends over, make tons of appetizers, have plenty of drinks, and play games while watching so we can have some winners of our own. But this year, the show just didn't do much for me. I thought that James Franco and Anne Hathaway brought pretty much nothing to the table, and were just really "safe" and uninteresting hosts. When Billy Crystal came out to tell an amusing story, I honestly thought for a second that the show's producers had realized that things weren't working and had decided to go to the bullpen for a tried-and-true host to handle the show's home stretch.

Despite my overall poor impression of this year's broadcast, there were some things to like. I thought the homages to Academy Awards ceremonies of the past were great, but wished we'd gotten more of them. And I really enjoyed the continuing gimmick of having the previous year's Best Actor and Actress winners—Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock in this case—deliver heartfelt messages to the current year's nominees while presenting those awards. As for acceptance speeches, I thought Aaron Sorkin's was the best—although he probably benefited from being preceded by the truly awkward Kirk Douglas appearance. Other than these few highlights, though, I thought the show was pretty ho-hum. We'd love to hear our readers' opinions of the show (especially if you disagree with me!), so please share them with us below.

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