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Monday, February 28, 2011

To Buffalo : Finally, The Rock Sorta Comes Back…

World Wrestling Entertainment, much better known as the WWE, brought its top rated television show live to the HSBC Arena, Monday Night Raw. If you’re still reading past the first sentence, odds are you were either at the arena for the show, watched it unfold live on television or are incredibly bored. But just in case you happened to forget about it, here’s a brief recap of the biggest thing to hit Buffalo since Meatloaf took the town by storm just days ago.

Triple-H (HHH) came out to start the show and hype his Wrestlemania matchup with the Undertaker. He said his sole purpose left in wrestling is to end the Undertaker’s perfect 18-0 Wrestlemania streak and indicated at the end of his microphone time that if he loses, his career we’ll be over.

Shaemus came out, presumably to remind HHH that he put him on the “shelf” for the past 10+ months. HHH kicked him where I’m sure it’s illegal, before proceeding to pound his head in on the outside of the ring and ultimately, pedigree him through the announce table (and no, there was no Spanish announce table).

Moments later, Evan Bourne returned from injury, also suffered at the hands of Shamus, and beat him within two minutes since Shamus was already hurt at the hands of the “Cerebral Assassin.”

Newly minted heel announcer Michael Cole came to the ring and accepted Jerry Lawler’s Wrestlemania challenge to a match, but not before Cole added two stipulations to the match: he gets to select his own trainer and also the referee. Out came Jack Swagger, who will teach him the ankle lock and also the art of talking with a severe lisp. Standing behind the All-American, American, American (is that enough American’s?), Cole slapped the taste from Lawler’s mouth. The King tried to get after Cole but was rolled up from behind by Swagger and put in his excruciatingly painful ankle lock.

Ironically enough, Lawler was seen walking around just fine backstage moments later.

After a commercial, Randy Orton comes to the ring and says he regrets not punting C.M. Punk in the head harder two years ago. I’m betting Orton isn’t the only one who’d like to punt Punk in the head again… Shawne Merriman, anyone?

Anyway, Punk along with his three members of the “New Nexus” hit the ramp and just before they get ready to rough him up four-on-one style, the annoying cell phone sound goes off; and a message from the “anonymous Raw General Manager” is read. He says…. and I quote— that Punk and Orton will face off at Wrestlemania and in the weeks leading up to the match, Orton will face each of the three other members in single matches. The hitch is if Orton wins each will be banned from interfering but if he loses, they’ll be allowed at ringside. Personally, I think Orton gets shafted on the deal as he has to go 3-0 over the next three Raw time fillers to make his Punk encounter a one on one, but I digress.

Read More:To Buffalo : Finally, The Rock Sorta Comes Back…

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