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Monday, February 28, 2011

HSBC Arena - Buffalo, New York

If you have a little Wrestlemania fever, I found this trivia question in the back of the new Wrestlemania magazine WWE just put out. What do the following superstars have in common pertaining to Wrestlemania: Roddy Piper, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ted DiBiase Sr., King Kong Bundy, and Paul Orndorff. I figured out the answer in about 2 minutes. But it gets you thinking.

- Your hosts are Josh Matthews and Jerry Lawler.

- Matthews welcomes us to a sold out Raw in Buffalo and Triple H kicks off the show. It is official, Triple H will face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. On the graphic for their Wrestlemania match dubs the Undertaker, "the Last Outlaw". What is the over/under on The Chaperone mentions tonight? I'll set it at 3. Triple H runs down his resume with the WWE. He says that over 16 years he has seen them all come and go; except one: The Undertaker. Triple H says there are 2 outlaws left. He says that Taker's streak is what keeps him going every year at Wrestlemania. Triple H says he is the only true challenge left and ending the streak is the only true challenge left for Triple H. Triple H says at Wrestlemania when he ends the streak, the Undertaker will die. If Triple H doesn't end the streak, he will die trying. His music hits and suddenly, out walks Sheamus. Triple H kicks him in the dick as Sheamus comes into the ring. Triple H throws him over the top rope to the floor. He throws him into the barricade and beats on sheamus around the ring. He lays him on the announce table and takes the monitors out. Triple H Pedigrees Sheamus through the table...as it starts to break before they drop. Kurt Angle rubs his head at home.

- Tonight on Raw: Shawn Michaels speaks out on the Wrestlemania match between Taker and HHH. Michael Cole will answer Jerry Lawler's challenge. Plus, The Rock will answer John Cena!

- Back on Raw and we see Triple H burying Sheamus some more from before the break. Back live and referees are helping Sheamus up from the carnage. ***GENERAL MANAGER E-MAIL***Lawler makes fun of Michael Cole and says he won't do it his way. Even though Sheamus was attacked, it's not the GM's problem. He will still have to compete against...

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